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A/N: First of all, this is not a cliché story, so if you want to read that schist, you have come to the wrong place. Of course, you are an absolute idiot if you want to read that. Just saying.

You will not find any Percabeth, Jasper, Caleo or other ships which are usually shown. We are here to present to you all the other ships including but not limited to: Chrisse, Gruniper, Tratie, Frazel. Don't like. Don't read. If you don't ship those, you are a babbling bumbling baboon who needs to head straight to Azkaban. Like, right away.

But don't feel the hate...just feel the death glares of us fangirls.

Let's get started and, no, it's not going to start with hello or hi...


The characters belong to Rick Riordan, as do the PJO and HoO series.

Written by:






[ TySoN ]

Maybe a book? Tyson poundered, he knew Ella seemed to have read a lot of those. But then of course, Tyson was reminded that if he were to get her a book that he wouldn't know what to get it about. Guide to Greek Mythology; Book of World Records; The History of Peanut Butter?

Maybe Percy or Annabeth would have advice on what to get Ella. They seemed like the right people to confide in, in his and Ella's one month anniversary.

Annabeth had been the first person Tyson had confessed to about how he really felt about Ella. Tyson remembers how she just smiled at him and told him that she fully supported their relationship. And that had meant a lot to Tyson. He had never felt the way he did when he was with Ella before.

Sighing, Tyson made his way to the Poseidon cabin in hopes of finding Percy. When he arrived, the cabin was vacated. A little upset about being unable to locate his brother, he sat down on the edge of the bed. Trying to find something on his own to get for Ella just wasn't working. He needed assistance.

His eyes scanned the cabin for search of some inspiration. The first thing he noticed were the bronze hippocampi(or fish ponies, as he enjoyed calling them) that he had forged and decorated on the ceiling three years previously. He doubted Ella would enjoy those.

What would she enjoy, other than books?

Tyson was most experienced with craftsmanship, so he had no experience with this. Could he ask Annabeth?

She was spending time with Percy, probably. It would explain why he couldn't find Percy either. Even though he needed help, something told Tyson that he had to do it on his own. Being a boyfriend was hard, that's for sure. Well, it was for Ella....


Maybe working in the forges would clear his mind-


He could make something for Ella there. With an idea in his head, Tyson stood up and left the Poseidon Cabin in hopes of finding something to make for Ella.


Tyson was not expecting to be this nervous. He knew Ella, he knew that she would appreciate what he made for her. But what if she didn't?

He held the small package in his hands, tightly wrapped in brown paper. There was some kind of ringing in his ears as he walked down to the edge of the forest where they were going to meet.

Was this how Percy had felt all those times he had wandered around nervously before meeting Annabeth? If so, how could it be that his brother hadn't made a totally fool out of himself?

Well, knowing his brother he probably had made a fool out of himself, but did that mean he too would make a fool out of himself?

He remembered what Annabeth had told him, when she had hold her speech about being a good boyfriend: Just be yourself. That's all that matters.

He took a deep breath, he should just do as Annabeth said and everything would be fine, after all she had never been wrong before.

Every step closer on Rachel's cave, made Tyson more nervous. To say that the walk over to it was long would be an understatement.

As he walked inside it, his eyes quickly spotted the red spot sitting on one of the coaches. As he took in her features (her beautiful coffee-colored eyes, her deep red shaggy hair, her cute round face, her feathers who looked like the sun in the morning), he could feel all his nervosity melt away. Everything was alright, just as long Ella was there with him.

"Tyson! Big cute cyclop! Immune to fire, page 47, Mythological Creatures by John Toller!" Ella shouted, and lit up in a smile as she saw him.

"Ella!" He shouted and ran over to her. He was on his way to give her a hug, when he remembered the gift. "I got a gift to you!"

"Gift, something you give to another person. Gave in danish, Geschenke in German." Ella informed him. "Can I see?" she asked proudly at last.

Tyson was pretty proud of her too, in the latest months he had tried to teach her to speak normally, and it had slowly started to pay off. "Of course, Ella!" he handed her the roughly wrapped package.

Ella carefully ripped it open with her talon, the wrapping falling to the ground. As she saw the gift a small, "Wow," escaped her lips, which definitely was the shortest sentence Tyson ever had heard her say. Was it a good thing? Because the look on her face must've said a lot.

"Eh, is it okay?" he asked nervously, wringing his hands together.

"Perfect. Flawless." Ella looked on him, as if she was in loss of words. "I love it!" she shouted at last, and gave him a tight hug, not that Tyson was complaining or anything- he loved her hugs, and nervously put his arms around her, hugging her back.

Then, when she had finished hugging him, she did something that really surprised him: she kissed him. A small peck on the lips that warmed him to the bone.

Tyson liked her lips, he noticed in a kind of daze.

Ella flew up and put the bronze plate at the shelter. It stood perfectly, the sun shone on the celestial bronze, and made it look like gold. The picture of him and Ella seemed to glow with life.

Ella walked over to him and took his hand. Silent without a word, they walked outside the cave, an exact copy of the picture behind them.


Thanks to @Krisha_Weasley for reminding us that we hadn't published the Tysella oneshot we wrote last summer. Whoops.

We hope you guys enjoyed the oneshot anyway

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