Chapter 23

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Chloe and Beca came home to find Aubrey sitting on the couch. Avery was sleeping on her lap and Reuben was sleeping right next to her.
"Hey Aubrey." Beca whispered.
"How did it go?" Aubrey asked quietly.
"Wait for it..." Beca said.
Chloe burst into the living room with a huge smile on her face. She held up her hand to show the beautiful ring on her finger.
"Bree, did you help Beca pick out the ring today?" Chloe asked.
Avery was half awake, but when she heard her mommy say something about a ring, she immediately woke up.
"I helped too, Mommy!" Avery yelled excitedly, which woke Reuben.
"What's going on?" He asked.
"Mom proposed to Mommy and she said yes!" Avery told him.
He looked at his mother. He loved her, and seeing her so happy with someone made him feel happy too. He had no words for what had just happened so he decided to look at his mom and smile. He knew she would take the hint of what he was saying.
She looked at him and smiled back, while Avery ran up into Chloe's arms.
"Time to get you to bed!" Chloe said holding Avery.
"I'm not tired though!" Avery whined.
"I'm sure you are, you just don't want to admit it." Chloe said and took Avery upstairs.
"Alright Reuben, you have to get to bed too." Beca said and motioned for Reuben to go upstairs.
"Night, Mom." He said and went upstairs.
"Night, Bud!" She called to him.
"Beca, your son is so sweet." Aubrey said to Beca.
"Thanks. He definitely didn't get that from me." Beca said laughing.
"He did. You are an amazing mother, you just needed something to get you to break out of your shell and that something was Reuben." Aubrey said.
"Thank you, but I'm not that great." Beca responded.
"Was it hard for you to become a mom?" Aubrey asked, finally.
"Yes, I was all alone, it was terrifying." Beca said.
Chloe walked down the stairs and sat next on the other side of Aubrey.
"What are we talking about?" Chloe asked.
"Was it hard to become a mom?" Aubrey asked Chloe.
"No, I knew I was ready. That's why I did it." Chloe said. "Why?"
The three say there in silence, until something in Chloe's head finally clicked.
"Oh my gosh, Aubrey! Are you pregnant!?" Chloe said.
Aubrey blushed and Beca became excited.
"So... You guys are engaged! How did that happen?" Aubrey said, trying to change the subject.
"Aubrey! Answer Chloe's question!" Beca said, hitting Aubrey with a pillow.
"Yes!" Aubrey finally said.

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