Chapter 19

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Beca, Chloe, Reuben and Avery drove to Chloe's parents house on Thanksgiving Day. They were very excited, especially Reuben. These people could be his new grandparents if everything worked well with Mommy and Mom.
"Hello, Darling!" They said as they came up to the door. "Who are these people?"
"Mom, this is Beca and her son, Reuben!" Chloe said. "Beca, this is my mom, Janet and my dad, Ronald!"
Janet looked at Beca then at Ronald. "Come on in, dears." Janet said to Beca, Reuben and Avery. "Can we talk to you?" She said to Chloe.
"Sure." Chloe said.
"Why did you bring Beca?" Janet asked.
"I was going to tell you later, Beca is my girlfriend." Chloe said, not making eye contact with her parents.
"Your what!?" Ronald said.
"My girlfriend, Dad. I love her and she loves me!" She said angrily.
"First, you use a donor to have a child, which you know we don't support, and now you're dating a girl?" Ronald said.
"That's who I am! Why don't you support me? You're my parents!" Chloe was more angry than ever. She stormed inside on the verge of tears.
"That's it, guys we are leaving!" She called to Beca, Avery and Reuben.
"What? Why?" Avery whined.
"Because we are!" Chloe said.
They all walked out of the house and Chloe didn't even look at her parents.
"Chloe, what happened?" Beca asked once everyone was in the car.
"I'll talk to you later." Chloe said.
They drove home in silence. When they got home Chloe brought Beca up to her bedroom to talk. Once they were in the bedroom behind the closed door, Chloe broke down crying.
"Why did we have to leave?" Beca asked.
"They don't support me, Beca! They don't support anything I want! Why? Am I such an awful person?" Chloe cried.
"No, Chloe... You're the best person I have ever met! I love you Chloe! Your parents just don't understand."
"They refused to be there the day I had Avery because they didn't support me using a donor. They thought I should have found a boyfriend and gotten married, then had a baby. That's not what I wanted. I wish they were there, it was lonely being at the hospital in labor with nobody there to help."
"I know. It's okay... Calm down."
"No, I can't! Now they don't want me dating you! They didn't believe me when I told them I liked girls at first. Now that I have you, they are getting fed up with my decisions! I thought they loved me!"
"Baby, they don't understand. They will eventually... You just have to give them some time. They love Avery now, don't they?"
"Well eventually they will learn to love me, too." Beca said and Chloe finally relaxed.

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