Chapter 1

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Avery came running through the door.
"Mommy! You will never guess what happened today!"
Chloe stood up from the kitchen table and grabbed Avery's backpack. Avery was the best thing that had ever happened to her, and Chloe loved seeing her this excited after school.
"What happened, sweetie?" She asked, sounding just as excited as Avery.
"We got a new kid in our class! And he's cute," Avery added with a smirk.
Chloe laughed at this because Avery was only seven and in first grade.
"Come here, sit down and tell me about this new kid." Chloe said, quoting the words "new kid" with her fingers.
Avery sat down at the table across from Chloe.
"What's his name?" Chloe asked.
"His name is Reuben Mitchell." Avery said, proud that she remembered his last name.
"Have you talked to him yet? Welcomed him to the school or anything?"
"No. I'm too nervous."
"You should invite him over!"
"Won't that be weird? He's a boy!"
"I'll invite his mom over, too. I want to meet her!"
"Mom, it will still be weird for Reuben and me."
"You two will figure it out. I'll write a note, but you have to promise me that you will give it to him to give to his mom. Do you promise?"
"Yes, I promise." Avery said, rolling her eyes.
Chloe wrote a note that said:
"Dear Ms. Mitchell,
It would be great if you and Reuben could join Avery and me for a movie at our home on Saturday to welcome you to the school."
She wrote their address and phone number on the note and signed it, "Miss Beale (Avery's mom)".

The next afternoon...
"Mom, I'm home!" Avery yelled as she walked through the door.
"What did he say?" Chloe asked.
"Well, I gave him the note and he asked, 'What does it say?' So I told him that we were inviting him over our house for a movie. He said he was really excited and he hopes his mom will say yes!"
"Yay! Are you excited?" Chloe asked.
"I think so, I'm so nervous though."
"You don't need to be nervous, from what I hear, he really likes you!"
"Do you really think so?"
"Definitely! You are my daughter!" Chloe said giggling, which made Avery laugh.

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