Chapter 20

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Beca and Chloe had been dating for six months and those were the best six months Beca had ever had. Beca had a job with Chloe, lived with Chloe, and they practically did everything together. Beca loved every minute of it.
"You know what we should do this weekend?" Beca asked Chloe.
"Oooh, what?!" Chloe said excitedly. Beca loved how Chloe got excited about everything.
"I think I should do something with Avery, and you should do something with Reuben. I think we should get to know them better." Beca said.
"That's an awesome idea!" Chloe said.
Later that night, Beca offered to pick up dinner- Just so she could call Aubrey.
"Hey Aubrey, listen... I know we haven't been the best of friends in the past, but... would you like to go ring shopping for Chloe tomorrow with Avery and I?"
"O-M-Aca-G! Are going to propose?" Aubrey said.
"No Aubrey, I'm buying a ring because I'm breaking up with Chloe." Beca said sarcastically.
"I'd love to help you pick out a ring!" Aubrey said.
"Great, come over at around noon tomorrow. Thanks!" Beca said.
"Okay, see you then. Bye." Aubrey said.
They hung up, and Beca was relieved Aubrey didn't get mad at her.
They next morning, Reuben and Chloe left around eleven for laser tag, so Beca decided to tell Avery what they were going to do.
"Hey Avery, we're going to pick out a ring for Mommy with Auntie Aubrey, okay?" Beca said.
"Why does Mommy need a ring?" Avery asked.
"Because I'm going to ask Mommy to marry me." Beca said.
"You are!?" Avery said, both excited and shocked.
"Yeah sweetie, but listen, you can't tell Mommy. I want it to be a surprise." Beca explained.
"Can I be the flower girl?" Avery asked.
"I don't know if Mommy is going to say yes." Beca said, becoming nervous.
"Of course she will! She loves you, Mom!" Avery said.
Even though it was coming from a seven year old, those words meant the world to Beca.

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