"Whatever, just fucking go back to sleep or something."

"Whatever, I can't sleep now." He muttered and stomped back to the bunks.

"Clean it up Mikey." I said before walking back to the bunks.

Once I got back in the bunks I found Kellin sitting on his bed glaring at the wall, "I can't sleep." He whined, "And I'm so tired."

"Try to sleep, I'm going back to bed." 

"Will you lay down with me?" He asked making a pouty face.


"Yes really. I can't sleep."

"Okay." I said getting into his bunk with him.   He smiled and turned to face me, I'd like to say that it felt really awkward laying in a small little bed with him but it really wasn't. He looked so adorable just laying in front of me with his cute rosy pink cheeks.

"Thanks for laying with me."

"You're welcome. The guys are gonna give me so much shit for this tomorrow."

He laughed, "I know."

"You're lucky you're cute." I grumbled.

"I know that." 

"Don't get cocky or I'll just get out of this bed and go to my own." I said narrowing my eyes.

"No, don't do that." He said, "I won't let you." He whined wrapping his arms around me.

"Then don't be cocky." I said pushing away from him a little.

"I won't, I won't." He said and pulled me closer to him, "Now lay here until I go back to sleep."

"Okay, I'm right here."

"Good." He muttered, "Goodnight VIc."

"Night- well actually good morning." I said giving him a cheeky smile. Kellin rolled his eyes.

"Vic, don't be that guy. Your cuteness level just went down a few notches." He said.

"Kellin just go to sleep."

Eventually he fell asleep along with myself.

But sadly we woke up a few hours later to a bunch of laughing and giggling.

"Aw they're so cute."  Mike cooed.

"Shut up!" I groaned pulling a blanket over my head.

"No, come on get up. You two have been sleeping all day."

"Maybe because you woke us up at like 6 in the morning." Kellin whined, "Vic make them go away!"

"We're not leaving, its two in the afternoon. Get up." He said, "Merch stuff needs to be done, along with soundcheck in like an hour."

"But why? Do I really need to show up for sound check?"

"Yes you do need to show up."

"Fine!" I said and threw the covers off of me, "Let's fucking get ready for soundcheck!"

"That's the spirit!"

"Well don't take the blankets off of me!" Kellin said pulling the blanket around him, "I don't have to show up."

"But you have merch to do!"

"Yeah but I have like five merch girls to boss around and make them do it." He said, "Now go do soundcheck and leave me alone."

I rolled my eyes at him, "Fine."

"Actually Kellin you can't stay in bed." Jaime said smugly, "We got a bunch of new merch in and you have to sort through it all."

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