Chapter 36: You're okay

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The soft strumming of a guitar wakes me hours later. I open my eyes and am greeted with the sight of Ryder sitting on my desk chair with my guitar in his lap as he lightly strums it. He was too absorbed in his playing to see I was awake so I stay where I am and listen.

Ryder's head was bent over the guitar, his eyes watching his fingers as he switches between chords. He was graceful as he did so, strumming with the right tempo and rhythm.

I suddenly let out a quiet cough making Ryder pause. "You're awake," he says, breaking the silence and looking up at me. My breath hitches when I see his golden eyes burning with emotion.

"Uh, yeah," I mumble, pushing myself up into a sitting position. I snuck a glance to my dresser and see that the lamp that he broke had been cleaned up. Ryder noticed and heaves a sigh, "I cleaned it up," he murmurs stiffly.

I nodded, fidgeting with loose threads on my blanket. The room was obviously filled with tension, didn't a idiot to figure that out. While I kept staring at my lap, Ryder sets down my guitar and stand up, running a hand through his hair.

"Keeva," he growls, clenching his hands into fists. I flinch at his harsh tone and use of my full name, "I'm sorry about yesterday." Cautiously, I peek through the strands of my hair that fell in front of my face to look at Ryder.

But before I could respond, someone knocks at my door roughly. "Yes?" I ask, my eyebrows furrowed in confusion. "Keeva, Ryder, get down here now," Carlisle orders. Ryder looks up, his eyes dark as he stares at the door.

Sighing, I get out of bed and reach a hand out for Ryder's hoodie but my hand is suddenly grabbed by Ryder. "You're in only shorts shorts and a tank top, do not tempt me even farther by wearing my clothes," he growls, inhaling heavily as his golden eyes rake over my body.

I bit back a smile and lower my hand that was still held in Ryder's. "Sorry," I can't help but say teasingly. Some of the tension fades from Ryder's body and he smirks, "Don't apologize, baby, you're just too hard to resist sometimes," he murmurs huskily, pressing his lips to my cheek.

Grinning, I let him lead me by my hand downstairs. "What is this about, Carlisle?" Ryder questions impatiently when we walked in. Everyone was seated except for Carlisle who was standing. The loveseat was the only open seat so me and Ryder sat there and glance around at everyone and their tense expressions.

"Ryder, Keeva, when was the last time you guys haven't fought?" Carlisle shoots at us. Ryder stiffens and I squeeze his hand in assurance before answering Carlisle. "A few nights ago, why?" He sighed heavily, "How many vases or lamp has Ryder broken? Beer bottles? Holes in the wall?"

My natural protective instincts towards Ryder came crashing down at me. "Why does it matter? Big deal, Ryder has a few anger issues," I snap. Ayato leans toward, lifting up a eyebrow, "A few anger issues?"

I glared at him, "Yes, a few fucking anger issues! Our relationship is none of your business," I spat at him. Ryder clenches his fists until his bruised knuckles went white at Ayato's next biting words.

"Oh yeah? What happened to your wrists? Or the fingerprints on your hips?" He spits at me. Wordlessly, my eyes trailed down to my slightly red wrists and the bruises peeking out from my shorts where Ryder held too tightly on my waist. "And what about your hand that you cut on the glass of a beer bottle he broke?"

"He was drunk than and he was angry!" I shot back, "They were accidents! Ryder would never purposely hurt me!" Everyone was silent as Ayato shot up from his seat, "Exactly he was drunk! And angry! Exactly like yours or his father was!" He explodes.

I recoil away from, biting back a sob as I glare at him with watery eyes, "Don't you ever, ever, compare Ryder to either of those bastards! He's nothing like them!" I whispered harshly. "Yes, Ryder has hurt me but not like my father did. Not like anyone else has done. Because no matter what, this bo- this man has stuck by my side through everything!"

Ayato took a step back as if I had slapped him. "And yeah, we fight. A lot," I admitted, "But that's normal for a couple. Two people don't fight each other if they didn't believe there wasn't anything fighting for. I love Ryder, Ayato, nothing will change will that."

With my final words, I storm away, "So stop trying to tears us apart."


I sit with my legs dangling on the edge of the wall that Ryder once carved into too. My cheeks were wet with shedded tears from the earlier events and what I've seen carved into the wall.

Ryder had carved, 'I love my princess, R.' And above that was the date. The day me and Ryder had our first kiss.

My phone suddenly rings, breaking me from my thoughts. "Princess, where are you?" Ryder's voice comes through the phone when I answer. I sighed, "I rather not tell you," I answer softly. "Okay, baby, but don't be too late."

Ryder's voice was calm and soft, a little warm. "I'm not worrying you, am I?" I ask, tracing the letters carved in the wall. "No, of course not. I love you, okay?" Ryder murmurs. I smile slightly, "Okay," I whisper, "Are you okay?"

I hear some rustling and than Ryder's guarded voice, "Why are you asking?" I frowned, "Because of what the others said earlier," I snapped. "If they are listening than tell them to fuck off and leave."

Ryder chuckles, "Calm down, feisty. And yeah, they are listening," he growls. Something suddenly drops into the floor and I hear yelling, "Don't fucking tell me to lie to her! She needs space and you're forcing me to call her!" Ryder yells at someone.

I drop off the wall, "Ryder! Is everything okay?!" I yell frantically into the phone. "Everything's fine," he grounds into the phone, "Everything's perfectly fine, Keeva." I bit my lip, "Should I- should I come home?" I ask timidly.

"No, baby, do not come home. Just stay where you are until your head is clear," he orders. "Don't worry about me." I was still hesitate when I hear a door slam with more yelling, "Are you sure, Ryder?" His ragged breathing filled the phone, "I'm sure, princess," he assures me quietly, "I love you, Keeva."

"I love you too," I answer back right before the phone hangs up. "Guess he didn't want to talk to you, hm?" A voice taunts making me gasp. My head snaps up and my eyes focus on Marcus. "Stay away from me," I warned feebly.

He takes a few steps forward, "Now where's the fun in that?" Fingers curling around my phone, I take a trembling step backwards. "There's so many things I want to do. But first," a malicious grin sneaks across his face, "I think I should reach you to shut up."

In three big strides, he was in front of me and shoving his hands against my throat. A strangled scream comes my mouth as he starts choking me. Squirming, I dig my nails into his hands, struggling to get him away from me.

"How does it feel, bitch? Can't breath, can you?" Marcus taunts. Frantically, I bring my knee up between his legs and a moment later, his hands disappear while he stumbles backwards in pain. I let out a choked sob, holding my hands at my burning throat.

I was too frozen in fear to move as he glares at me furiously from the ground. "You are gonna get it," he sneers, "It'll make your father seem amateur." I flinch at the mention of my father, dropping my phone accidentally.

My eyes widened and i reached down to grab my phone but a heavy boot comes down on my hand before I can. I cried out as he smashed my fingers while grabbing my phone and throwing it away from us.

His foot comes slamming into my gut making me collapse back down on my knees, gasping. "S-stop," I whimpered.

Marcus laughs coldly, his hand shooting down to my French braid. I flinch again as he digs his fingers into my scalp while pulling my hair. My eyes watered and use my good hand to push him away.

Taking the few moments I had, I dug into my coat pocket and pulled out the pocket knife Ryder got me for protection.

Aim for the leg or somewhere that will stop your attacker. Ryder's words echoed in my head. No matter what, you need to get a stab in! You will have only one chance with your size and innocent.

Marcus charges at me again and out of reflex, I throw my hand out to stop him and end up plunging the knife in his leg. He falls and screams out which I took the chance to run. I swiped my phone on the way and dash to my dorm house.

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