Chapter 35; Ryder was mine

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When I woke up the next morning, just as dawn broke, Ryder was half sprawled on top of me. His arms were wrapped around my hips while his head laid on my stomach and his lower body was on the bed beside me.

Smiling, I ran a hand gently through his hair. Ryder stirs, tightening his arms around me before relaxing again.

"Where is he?!" I hear someone scream from downstairs. The distant sound of Carlisle arguing with someone could be heard before loud footsteps echoed up the stairs. I push myself up a bit when Ryder frowns in his sleep and stirs again.

I watch, nervously, as he groans and rolls over so he was laying beside me and not touching at all. My bedroom door suddenly slams open and I see a black haired girl, pretty enough she could be a runway model. Her angry hazel eyes spot me in the bed next to and she storms over.

"Hannah, sweetie, please," Carlisle says behind her. I flinch as she brings her hand back. Another hand shoots out and stops her's before it makes impact with my cheek. I see Ryder out of the corner of my eye.

"Keep your hands to yourself, Hannah," he growls, backing her up a few steps and getting off the bed to stand in front of me. Hannah glares at Ryder hatefully, "You bastard!" She screeches, "What did you tell your father?! We were engaged until you screwed it up!"

I stand beside Ryder, "Engaged?" I ask, confused. Ryder glares back at her, "Hannah is Carlisle's daughter and my father is trying to get me to marry her," he informs me. My blood boils and I tense up with anger. Narrowing my eyes on Hannah, I took a small step forward, "Leave," I hissed.

She scoffs, "I'm not leaving until me and Rykins engagement issue is resolved," she says, smirking. I plant a hand in Ryder's chest, pushing him back so I could step fully in front of him. "Sorry to disappoint, but Rykins is mine," I said, ignoring the stunned Ryder who had fallen on the bed, "If you dare touch him, than I'll kick your ass, Carlisle's daughter or not," I spat.

Hannah takes a step back to look up at her father, "Daddy, are you gonna let her treat me like this?" She pouts. He looked torn as he glances between us. "It's okay, Carlisle," I said softly, "she's your daughter." Instead of saying anything, Carlisle just walks away, clearly saying that he wasn't taking sides.

Hannah huffs and glares at me again, "Who are you anyway?" She asks impatiently. Cocking a hip, I rested my weight on one leg and put a hand on hip, "Ryder's girlfriend, and the only person he will ever be marrying," I spat.

Ryder was mine as I was his. We belonged to each other and I'm not letting some bimbo take that away from me.

I didn't need to look to know that Ryder was smirking and watching me and the bitch amusedly. "Prove it," Hannah says testily. I smirked before turning towards Ryder. Tugging on his shirt, I haul him up to me and he willingly rises to kiss me.

Our bodies molded together as I poured my anger into the kiss making Ryder chuckle. We both wanted more but since Hannah the bitchface was here, we don't get more. I pulled back from the kiss, breathing hard, and stare fiercely at Hannah, "That answer enough?"I demanded harshly.

"You're never be able to satisfy him, you inexperienced bitch," she spats, her words cutting deep. I glared hatefully at her, "Get out!"

Grumbling, she storms out, slamming my bedroom door on the way. I glared at my closed door until Ryder gently tilts my face towards him, "Hey, baby, where were we?" He whispers huskily, smirking dangerously as I'm suddenly flipped and pressed against the mattress.

I was on my back with Ryder above me. His hands were interlaced with mine, keeping mine pinned against the bed as well. "Tease me, I dare you," I said darkly. A low chuckle comes Ryder, alerting he was becoming impatient, "I've got no intention to tease you, princess," he growls.

His golden eyes were pitch black, as he finally lowers his lips to mine. When I bucked against him, trying to get him off me, Ryder tightens his grip around my hands and backs up into a sitting position. I ended up straddling his lap and tangling my fingers in his hair when he lets go of my hands.

I feel Ryder tense as I push him backwards so he was lying down. His hands trail down my sides and rest on my hips, gripping tightly. Ryder tilts his head, deepening the kiss. When I tug at his shirt, Ryder's grip on my hips tighten and he starts pushing me off.

"No," I whine softly, wrapping my hands in his shirt. "Keeva, no,"Ryder whispers gently, pinning me to the bed, "You are not going to push yourself." I squeeze my eyes shut as tears spring to my eyes. Ryder sighs, lifting me up and placing me in his lap.

"Keeva, I know what you're thinking and it isn't true," he says sternly, "Do not take what she said to heart." I let out a soft sob, "But it is true, Ryder," I whisper weakly. "If George hadn't raped me than I would still be a virgin and even now, I wouldn't k-know h-how to- to-" I started stuttering over my words, "p-please you."

Ryder tightens his hands around me, his fingers digging into my hips, "Keeva Rose, " he whispers dangerously, "Don't talk about yourself like that. I don't care if you're a virgin or not!" I gasp when he suddenly shoves me off of him and onto the bed. His arm lays across my waist holding me still before he shoves my shirt up with the other hand.

I start squirming under him, trying to shove him off. "Stop!" He orders, his voice dominating and powerful. I froze, watching him with wet eyes while he strokes a hand across a scar on my ribcage. My breath hitches as he presses his lips to it. "You are beautiful, princess," he tells me softly, all traces of anger gone, "These scars don't matter."

"R-ryder," I whisper, my voice trembling. Ryder slowly raises his eyes to me, "I love you, Keeva, you know that," he murmurs. "Stop looking at the scar," I spit out harshly, jerking away from him. He sighs, closing his eyes and resting his head in his hands.

As usual when he was frustrated, Ryder than covers his face and starts gripping his hair. "Baby, I told you that I don't give a shit about the damn scars!" He spats quietly back at me. When Ryder stands up and starts pacing, I cautiously starts edging to the edge of the bed.

I sat with my knees pulled up to my chest, my chin resting on them, and my arms wrapped around my waist. Ryder was still pacing, his frustration evident. "Why?" He suddenly growls, "Why is this so hard?!" I jump in surprise when his hand suddenly lashes out and knocks a lamp off my dresser.

Cringing, I watch as Ryder launches a fist at the wall. We were both silent he puts a small crack in the wall. "Keeva, I-" he pauses, inhaling sharply to hold back his angry, "I need you to go back up there and rest."

I open my mouth to protest but he simply raises a hand to stop me. His head was hanging down and away from me. "Please, baby, do not fight with me," he pleaded softly, turning his lost golden eyes on me.

Ryder strides over when I nodded and crawled back up to the pillows. He pulls the covers over me and lays a kiss on my forehead, whispering, "I'll be back soon. I love you." My eyes drift close as he walks out and away from me.

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