Chapter 13; I still want you..

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The next day I hardly saw Ryder at all. I got a glimpse of him slipping out the door when I woke up but I haven't seen him since than and it's almost noon. I was sitting in Mr. John's class, it was past ten and that's when Ryder finally makes a appearance.

I had my head resting on my hands, tired from not being able to sleep last night when the door slams open and Ryder comes in. He had his hood up, almost covering his eyes but I could see his brown hair peeking out along with his wild golden eyes glaring at the floor. Instead of his normal smirk, his lips were twisted in a angry scowl.

I jumped slightly when he storms over to his seat and sits down, his fists slamming down on it. That's when I noticed the blood dripping from his busted up knuckles. A soft gasp comes from my lips but he ignores me, settling his glare on Mr. John.

"What makes you think that you just come barging in here like that, Ryder?!" Mr. John yells. I watch as Ryder's jaw clenches and he stands up. I could feel the anger coming off in waves. He was past angry, he was furious and out for blood.

"Leave me the fuck alone!" He spats, leaning on clenched fists against his desk. Even than, Ryder still towered over everyone. I bit my lip when Mr. John glares up at him, "Do not speak to me like that!"

The entire room fell quiet as Ryder straightens and comes around his desk, "I will speak to anyone the way I fucking want!" He growls before storming out the door, his fist slamming into it in the way.

I didn't waste a second as I stand up and dash after him. He was storming down the hallway when I exited. "Ryder!" I called, sprinting after him. I see his shoulders tense but he ignores me an keeps going. I struggle to keep up with him, "Ryder! Stop!"

When I finally managed to catch up, I grab his hand but he jerks it away. Ryder suddenly turns on me and a instant later, my back was slammed against a locker with him towering over me.

I whimper, stupidly thinking he was going to hit me when he raised his hand to rest beside my head. Ryder growls when I flinch, "Princess, I'm not going to hurt you," he spats.

I squeeze my eyes shut, "I'm sorry," I whisper. Ryder picks up my hands making me open my eyes to look at him. "What happened?" I ask, bringing one of his hands up to look at it.

He tries to pull it from my grip but I held on tightly, "No," I mumble, brushing my fingers lightly across his knuckles. A low hiss comes Ryder when I do and I immediately drop his hand, "I'm sorry," I apologize.

Ryder sighs, brushing his own fingers cross my cheek, "No, I'm sorry. You're just trying to help and I'm taking my anger out on you." I press a kiss to the tip of his finger when he traces it across my bottom lip.

"Marcus, Clark, Jerry, and Derek gained up on me," he murmurs. "Ayato helped me but I lost my temper when they started saying stuff about you." I hesitate before wrapping my arms around his waist and pressing my self to him.

A low growl rumbles in his chest and his eyes darkened to a dark golden brown. Ryder holds the back if my head with one hand while his other wrapped around my upper back, crushing me to him as his head dips and he kisses me.

I grab a fistful of fabric of his hoodie, pushing myself up on my tiptoes to kiss him back just as hard and passionate. A small moan slips from my mouth as he pulls back. My eyes fluttered open and I lean on Ryder, breathing heavily.

"Keeva, you should go back to class," Ryder breathes, though he didn't seem like he was planning on letting me go anytime soon. I shook my head, "No, you're hurt," I refused stubbornly.

"King!" I hear someone yell down the hallway. Ryder trembled in anger as our heads turn to see Marcus with Clark and Jerry flanking him. "Oh, looks like your little bitch joined the party," he sneers. Ryder lets go of me, prying my arms from his waist and pushing me behind him.

"Now what?!" He spats, a predatory look entering his eyes. The hood of Ryder's hoodie falls, revealing his seething face.

"Came to tell you something about your girl there," Marcus says, smirking. I tensed, pushing past Ryder and ignoring the protective arm he wraps around my waist. "What do you know?" I hiss.

Marcus tsks, "Just a little fact about your father." My eyes widened and the memories flash in my head. "You couldn't possible know about.." I whisper, my voice shaking. He grins evilly making Ryder stiffen, "Either spit it out or leave!" He growls.

"No!" I yell, "Don't you dare!" But it was too late. "Keeva's father use to beat her and now he's in jail," Marcus drawls. I look away as tears stream down my face. Ryder's arms were limp around me. "And another fun fact, he had a friend rape her."

A cry loud cry falls from my lips as I push Ryder's arms off my waist and sprint away. "You bastard!" Ryder yells before I hear footsteps behind me and I knew he was following me. I sped up and entered the back gardens, collapsing beside the fountain.

I knew Ryder was seconds behind me so I stayed where I was, sobbing into my folded arms. He wasn't going to want me now. Silence settles as I hear him enter the garden as well. The only sound was his hard breathing and my loud sobs.

"Princess," he whispers as he sits beside me and rests a hand on my upper back. I recoil away from him but he ignores it, pulling me into his arms. "I still want you, and I'm not disgusted," he spoke, running a hand through my hair.

"But I'm disgusting! Used!" I sobbed into his chest. His golden eyes were piercing into me but I was fighting my control. I knew I would completely lose it if I looked in those soul-reading eyes.

"Keeva, you are not disgusting. It could've have happened to anybody," Ryder whispers in my ear. I held tightly to his jacket as Ryder shifts underneath me until I'm seated on his lap, curled up with my back against his chest.

My sobbing decreased until I was just sitting there, silently crying. I was shivering terribly until Ryder shrugs off his jacket and wraps it around me. Wordlessly, he moves me away from the stone ledge cornering us between the bench and fountain edge.

His strong arms wrap around my shoulders as I rested my head on his chest. Tears slid silently down my cheeks and onto his hard chest. Ryder's back was against the ledge that was opposite the fountain and bordering some flowers while a bench was against another wall beside the fountain.

"Everyone has a story, Keeva," Ryder whispers, "Some are more horrifying than others." I whimper quietly, "But he was my father, Ryder, my father!" I cried. He sighs heavily, "It doesn't fucking matter!" He growls harshly, "That man doesn't have the right to be called your father, Keeva! No father would do that do his own daughter! It's his job to protect you!"

His words shocked me onto silence and neither one of us say anything else. We just sat there in the silence of the garden, taking comfort in each other's presence.

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