Chapter 25: You're cold

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I was just entering the school-I was meeting Ryder here-when I see Ryder storming out of the school, the doors slamming behind him. He had sunglasses on so I couldn't see his eyes but his jaw was clenched along with his fists and his hair was a crazy mess.

I ran to catch up with him once again. "Ryder!" I called but he ignores me. He was heading towards the gardens instead out the gates so I knew he wasn't leaving. "Ryder!" I call again, increasing my speed.

He disappears from sight as he entered the gardens and I follow him. The ground was covered in snow as usual when I walked in. Ryder was nowhere in sight as I approached the fountain.

"What do you want?" Ryder says coldly from behind me, making me whirl around. He was leaning against the wall next to the entrance, scowling with his arms folded. "What's wrong?" I asks quietly, my stare not wavering.

He raises a eyebrow, "What makes you think something's wrong?" He sneers making me shiver. I crossed my arms, "The fact that you avoided the question and you're angry," I response. Ryder glares at me, "Just go back home, pri- Keeva, I don't have time right now," he growls.

I glare back at him, defiantly, "Ryder, I know you're not angry at me and I know you're lying! Stop shutting me out!" I fired back. "I can't stand it sometimes!" I threw my hands up in frustration, "Do you even love me?!"

It happened so quickly, it was a blur in my mind. Ryder was suddenly in front of me, his hands holding the back of my head before his lips crash down onto mine harshly.

I gasp when my back suddenly slams against a pillar and squirm in Ryder's grip. When Ryder takes one hand off the back of my head and puts it on my hip instead, I let go of any control and kiss him back.

"You make me so angry.." he whispers when he pulled back for breath before crushing my lips underneath his again. My heart was beating fiercely in my chest as his thumb strokes the bare skin of my hip.

"And you drive me insane," Ryder whispers again, pulling away to plant kisses on my neck, "But I," he kisses my shoulder, "Love," my neck again,"You," than my jaw, "So," my cheek, "Damn," corner of my mouth, "Much," finally he kisses me again on the lips, leaving me a panting, flustered mess when he finally pulls away.

His golden eyes blazed above me when I looked up at him, "So you were saying?" Ryder says calmly. I look away but he jerks my head up to look him in the eyes, "Look at me, Keeva Rose. Don't ever doubt my love for you!" He growls, "You're my everything!"

My hands were resting on his chest and I could feel his heart beating against my hand. "Do you feel the beating of my heart?" Ryder asks. I nodded, not looking away from his fierce stare. "It beats only for you, Keeva. Only for you. You own my heart and my love. It belongs to no one but you," he murmurs, cupping my cheeks in his hands.

I bit down on my lip, "I'm sorry, Ryder, I shouldn't have said that." He shakes his head, "No, you shouldn't have," he agreed, "But I want to know what goes on in that head of yours." He tapped my temple lightly, "If you feel insecure than tell me so I can help, princess."

I push up on my tiptoes and pull Ryder down to me to kiss him again. His hand presses into the pillar beside my head, the other one cradling the back of my head. Snow started falling making me start shivering from the cold.

Ryder pulls back, frowning, "You're cold," he states, "Come on, let's go home." He pulls me gently away from the pillar, enfolding me into his arms.


When we got home, Ryder rushes me inside to my room, grabbing clothes from my closet and shoving them at me. He pushes gently into my bathroom, "Get changed, princess," he orders.

I do as he said, slipping on the t-shirt and sweatpants before braiding my hair sloppily. When I exited the bathroom, I'm enfolded in a thick blanket with Ryder fussing over me like a worried mother.

"Ryder," I murmur, stopping him. His eyes snap up to mine, "What?" I pulled him down beside me on the bed, wrapping my arms around his neck. "Stop worrying. I'm fine, I'll survive a little cold," I soothe.

Ryder relaxes into my body, and let me stroke his hair. "Why were you upset at school, Ryder?" I ask softly, glancing down at his golden eyes that were watching me. "The principal called me into the office," he answers simply. When I paused from stroking his hair, Ryder sighs, "He said some things about my mother. Called her a whore and said I was a drunken mistake. Don't get me started on what he said about Annabelle," he growls.

When Ryder started tensing up again, I lower my lips to his neck, kissing lightly. "Calm down," I whisper. Ryder's hands shoot up to grip my waist tightly as I trail my lips up to his jaw. "K-keeva, you gotta stop, baby," his voice was strangled and low.

I grinned, "I don't want to," I whined into his ear as I tug at his shirt. Ryder growls and pushes me backwards, off him. He straddled me, scowling darkly, "Stop teasing, Keeva," he growls, grabbing my wrists when I raised my hands.

I bit my lip nervously when his golden eyes darkened. "Ryder, what are you doing?" I ask, squirming underneath him. Ryder pulls his shirt off his head and rolls off me, "Taking a shower," he says, heading towards the door.

"Start getting ready. I'm taking you somewhere," he orders. I huff in annoyance as Ryder exits the room.

I climbed out of bed and pulled on a dress before combing out my hair from its braid. The dress was long sleeved with two holes that showed my shoulders and was tight around my waist than was loose and came down mid-thigh.
Ten minutes later, Ryder knocks on my door, "You ready, baby?" He calls through the door. Smiling, I open the door, "Yes," I say. His eyes rake up and down my body hungrily before he meets my eyes, "You look amazing," he murmurs, leaning in and brushing his lips across mine.

I blushed, looking down shyly, "No, I don't," I mumble. He tilts my head up, his golden eyes piercing mine, "Don't shy away, Keeva. You look amazing, you always do," he whispers huskily.

Biting down on my lip to keep back the smile that was threatening to escape, I follow Ryder downstairs. "Where you guys going?" Carlisle questions when he sees us. Ryder's eyes flicker to me, "I'm taking Keeva somewhere. We're back in time to eat dinner and open the presents with you guys," he answers.

Carlisle nods, smiling at me, "You look beautiful, Keeva," he says warmly. I blushed again, hiding my face in Ryder's chest. Ryder chuckles, pressing a kiss to my temple. "Let's go," he murmurs, leading me out to his motorcycle.

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