Chapter 27: That's my girl

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"I'm falling in love with you," I sang childishly as Ryder spins around under his arm when we entered the living room. I burst out giggling at the sight of Ayato dressed in a Santa costume.

"You should do sound cheerful today, Keeva," Blake teases when he enters from the kitchen. I rolled my eyes and launch myself at him, "It's Christmas, you dork!" I hollered as we land on the ground.

"Damn, Keeva, you really need to stop tackling people," Blake groans from underneath me. Ryder shakes his head as he passes us, chuckling, "That's my girl." Grinning, I rolled off him and jumped on Ryder's back in response.

Ryder stumbles forward a few steps before gaining back balance again. My legs were wrapped tightly around his hips and I had a handful of the back of his t-shirt in my hands. He places his hands on my thighs to keep me from falling, "Put your arms around my neck," he orders. I obeyed, running a hand through his hair first.

"Hey, we have company coming, Behave you guys," Carlisle orders, staring sternly at all of us. Ayato salutes mockingly while everyone else nods. Xavier frowns when someone knocks at the door and Ryder helps me off his back. 

His arm hooks around my waist and he pulls me back into his chest before wrapping his other arm over my shoulders and chest. I stay quiet and rest my chin on his arm while pushing my hands into my pockets and leaning against him.

We hear Carlisle's voice from the hall and a few moments later, he enters with a small group of people. Flickering over to them, I see Xavier and Riley wearing guarded expressions. Than I noticed that they and Blake were staring at Ryder.

I could feel his tense body and his arm tightened around my waist. "Father," he growls coldly when a man stepped out of the group of people. He didn't look anything like Ryder but looked a lot like Marcus which caused me to flinch.

"Why are you here?" Ryder asks harshly, dropping his arm from my chest and wraps it around my waist as well. His father smiles grimly, "What? I can't come and see my own son?"

His eyes suddenly flicker down to me and a malicious grin appears on his face, "This must be the lovely Keeva you talked so much about," he comments. The boys stiffen behind us when I cringe away from his stare.

Ryder slowly let go of me and gently, pushes me towards the door, "Go upstairs, Princess," he whispered quietly, longing and anger clear in his voice. He was angry and wanted me gone so he didn't accidentally hurt me of he got out of control but he wanted me to stay as well as comfort.

I shook my head and retreated back to his side, "No, I'll stay here," I murmur, threading my fingers through his. He sighs heavily while pressing a kiss to my temple, "I love you," he whispers in my ear.

His father was still staring at me but instead of cringing back, I met him with a hard glare causing him to recoil in surprise. "I think its best if you leave," I spat at him. Ryder squeezes my hand and I look up at him to see him smiling proudly at me.

A small, shy smile creeps across my face as well before I forced it back and faced his father again. His seething father, might I add.

"Young lady, you should know who you're talking to and watch your place," he says angrily. "I can have you're entire life ruin with just one phone call."

Another voice cuts in swiftly, "Actually, I think she's right. You need to leave. Now," Carlisle orders from behind Ryder's father. He had a angry and protective expression on.

"Leave now, James," a woman orders from the group. She steps forward with a younger girl by her side. I gasp softly at how much she looked like Ryder.

Same eyes.. same hair.. same stance.. she must be his mother...

"Mom!" Ryder exclaims behind me. I sighed in stress at meeting his family on the same day, unexpected, and under these circumstances. She smiles at me as I try not to sag against Ryder.

"You must be Keeva, right?" She asks, shoving James out of the way and standing in front of me. I nodded weakly, "Yes, ma'am," I mumble, dropping my head so my hair hid my face.

"Nope, none of that, princess," Ryder murmurs, grinning, as he combs back my hair into a messy bun. I blushed and try to turn and hide my face in his chest instead. "Ryder," I mumble when he turns me back around.

"I know, baby, just calm down," he whispers into my ear, rubbing the center of my palm of the hand he held. When I relaxed into him, Ryder lifts his head and grins at his mom. "Mom, this is Keeva. Keeva, this is my mom, Ella King." I smile shyly at her and the girl beside her that I presume is Annabelle.

"Hi," I mumble, my arms slithering around Ryder's waist. "I've heard so much about you!" Annabelle squeals suddenly, racing forward and slamming into me. Surprised, I flinch back, cowering behind Ryder. He smiled sheepishly at his family, "You need to be a bit careful with sudden movements and loud voices and possibly angry outbursts, " he says.

James looked disgusted while Ella and Annabelle looked worried. "I thought you had good taste in woman, son," he sneers, glaring at me, "Because you've surely downgraded with this disgusting creature." He looks me over again, "Honestly, she's worse than your mother and even Isabella."

Ryder didn't hesitate before bringing back his fist and driving it into his father's face. James falls backwards on the floor with his seething son towering above him. "You can insult and hurt me all you want but never, never, talk about my family or my girl like that again," he spats. "And her name is Annabelle! Not Isabella!"

I dart forward and grab Ryder before he could hurt James more. "No, Ryder," I say softly. Ryder slowly lowers his golden eyes onto me, breathing hard. His eyes take in the stress and exhaustion all over my face and his fist immediately lowers. "Princess, you need to rest. It's been a rough couple of days," he murmurs, all anger gone as he brushes his knuckles across my cheek.

"I will but I want you to stay and spend time with Ella and Annabelle," I whisper. His golden eyes flicker over to them and he nods. "At least, let me take you to your room," he pleads, a mischievous look in his eyes.

"I'll take care of him. Take Keeva upstairs," Xavier orders, passing us to James. Ryder nods at him before leading me upstairs.

As soon as we entered the room, my back hits the bed and Ryder was kissing me hungrily. I respond slowly before pulling away. Ryder whines low in his throat but leans but onto his heels from where he was crouched beside me on the bed.

He pulls the blanket over me, watching as I snuggled into the warmth. "I love you," he whispers, kissing my forehead before walking away. "I love you too," I mumble to the empty room.

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