Chapter 19; I miss you

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I wake up, practically smothered by blankets and Christmas music playing in the background. Ayato was sleeping in the chair next to my bed which normally Ryder would've been seated in.

I blink a few times to clear my vision and push myself up into a sitting position. Spotting my phone on my nightstand, I grab it and open it. It said I had two new messages from Ryder.

I clicked the first one and quickly scan through it.

Princess, when you read this, I'll probably be gone by than. I'll be back in three or four days, hopefully less. Happy three month anniversary by the way. Ayato, who's probably passed out by your bed, will fill you in on what's going on. We're talk about what happened when I get back. Stay out of trouble and stay away from other guys if you can. You're mine and only mine, baby. I love you.

I sigh, tapping on the other one that was a simple;

I miss you. Please take care, princess. Love you, beautiful.

I smiled slightly, opening up my gallery to look at my favorite photo of Ryder. He was leaning against the brick wall in the back gardens, gazing straight at me with a mischievous look in his golden eyes while smirking.

"You're awake," Ayato suddenly says making me jerk in surprise. My smile falls and I put my phone down. "Yea, I guess so," I mumble. Ayato smiles before handing a small box to me, "Ryder demanded me to give you this as soon as you woke up."

I took the box from him and open it. I gasp and tears fill my eyes again when I see the most beautiful necklace I've ever seen.

It was a dark red garnet in the shape of a heart with the letter K carved in it. It was simple but I loved it.

Ayato helps me clasp it around my neck. "Thank you, Ayato," I whisper. He offers me a small smile. "I'll give you a few minutes before I explain what happened," he tells me before leaving the room.

I quickly send a text to Ryder.

Ryder, thank you for the necklace... it's beautiful. I love you too and wish you were here. I'm 99.9% sure that I'm suffering from withdraw of you. Hurry back.

Princess, I'm glad you like it. And hurrying back is exactly what I intend on doing. Eat something, drink the tea that Carlisle gives you, understand? You were out in the cold too long and I don't want you getting sick, most definitely when I'm not there to take care of you. I love you more than you can imagine.

Sighing, I toss my phone onto my nightstand. I missed him. I look up when Ayato entered the room, "Okay, so Ryder just gave me a earful so do us both a favor and do whatever he says, got it?"

He gives me a nervous smile and I nodded, sighing for third time. "I hate him but I love him," I mumble to myself, pushing the blankets off me. As I passed Ayato, he scratches the back of his neck making me frown. "And he wants you to lie back down after you eat," he says.

I nodded. I had no complaints there since I was in no mood nor shape to deal with people today.  Ayato follows me down to the kitchen and immediately I'm handed a bowl of soup as soon as I enter the kitchen.

Carlisle was standing there, "Ryder cooked it for you before he left," he explains. My frown grew, "He's not even here and yet he still ends up taking care of me," I mumble, sitting down at the empty place in the kitchen.

A cup of tea is set in front of me and I pick it up. My eyes watered when I see the golden colored liquid. It reminded me of Ryder's intense golden brown eyes.

"Keeva?" Carlisle questions. I didn't look up,"I'm fine." No one pushed it but I could sense they wanted to. They left me alone in silence, occasionally sending glances my way. I ignored them and finished my food and tea quickly.

I hurried back upstairs before anyone could stop me and climb into Ryder's bed, wrapping Ryder's hoodie around me. My phone suddenly beeps and I immediately grab it.

Princess, do you know how much I miss you right now? It's only been a day too. Mom and Annabelle say hi. Love you.

I bury my head in his pillow to sniffle my sobs. His entire room smelled like him. I yelp a little when Hold Onto Me by Mayday Parade started playing from my phone. It was Ryder.

"Princess?" I sniffle another sob at the sound of his voice, "Yeah, Ryder?" I hear rustling on the other end then the sound of a door closing.

"Are you crying?" He demands, his voice coming out in a growl. I frantically wipe at my eyes, "No, course not," I answered. "Why are you crying?!" Ryder growls. I could almost see his golden eyes flashing his fury and worry while he runs a had through his hair in frustration.

"It's nothing, Ryder. Why did you call?" I avoided his question. I hear a irrigated sigh, "I needed to hear your voice," he says. My tears finally stopped falling and I snuggle deeper into his warm blanket.

"What's wrong, Ryder?" I ask. "There's yelling in the background, what's going on?" I demanded when I heard cussing men and Ryder's name. Ryder inhales sharply, "Baby, I gotta go. I'll explain later. I love you," he suddenly rushes out and doesn't give me a chance to explain before he hung up.

Groaning, I throw myself backwards before curling into a ball. Twisting and turning a lot, I struggled to get sleep that night.


"Keeva, where are you, Princess?" Ryder calls. I giggled, ducking down and crawling under his bed. "I'll find you eventually, Keeva!" He teases as he enters his room. I slap a hand over my mouth to stop the giggle threatening to escape.

"I wonder, if my little princess is underneath my bed.." he taunts, bending down to stare at me. I grinned sheepishly at him. His golden eyes flash in amusement.

"Of all the places to hide, you choose underneath the bed," he tsks, pulling me out. Giggling, I jump on the bed.  Moments later, Ryder jumps on top of me, straddling me and trapping me against his bed.

"Got you," he teases, tapping my nose. I grinned up at him again, "Ryder?" He lowered himself so his lips were millimeters from mine. "Yes, princess?" He asks mischievously.

I grip the collar of his shirt, "Kiss me," I demanded. Grinning wickedly, Ryder crashes his lips onto my own and rolls over so I was on top of him instead. My hands tug at his hair and a low growl builds up in his throat.

He wraps some of my hair around his wrist, tilting my head back so my neck was revealed to him. I giggled at the ticklish feeling of his lips brushing up and down my neck. "Ryder!" He smirks, flipping us over again. Ryder lets go of my head before crashing his lips back down into mine.

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