"I see," Daniel finally replied, now understanding the main gist of Clara's concern for her stepmother. He now found himself inwardly swearing wondering if he was cursed to lose his wives in this dramatic manner.

The only thing that gave him little comfort was the fact that Eleanor was missing, and not dead.. But if anything had happened to her? He didn't even want to think about that

"Right," he spoke decisively, suddenly thankful that he could think with a clear head without alcohol muddling his mind, "Clara I want you to stay here, just in case she returns of her own accord. Meanwhile I will go out and try see if I can find her, if she was on foot she couldn't be very far" he then realised

Clara nodded, just feeling relieved that her father was here, and he was going to do something, to try to find Eleanor.

Daniel now strode of in search of Tom, shouting for him, until Tom appeared suddenly, wondering what was going on, and why his employer was eyeing him rather grimly

"I believe my daughter relayed some concern about the mistress of the house, and she asked you to see if you could find her?" Daniel enquired coldly

"Er yes," Tom now shifted somewhat uncomfortably, "but you know what young girls are like, always overreacting" he then replied almost dismissively in defence.

"My wife has been missing for over three hours now, and you think my daughter is over reacting?" Daniel's tone was censuring

Tom lowered his eyes from Daniel's steely gaze, then shrugged somewhat helplessly, "How was I supposed to find her anyway? I was sure she was going to turn up soon. Women have their silly moods. Besides, to be honest, I didn't think it would bother you that much if she was here or not" he mumbled grievously

Daniel's eyes narrowed, but he decided this was not the time to take Tom up on his deliberate intimation about his relationship with his wife

"Just get out there and help find her, Go ask around the local tenants if they have seen her, Now!" He then ordered sharply

"Yes sir," Tom grudgingly replied, still not looking very happy as he walked away muttering to himself.

Daniel found himself remounting his horse and starting his search for Eleanor, though in truth he had no idea where she could be.

It was as he was leaving the grounds he noticed the gardens, and the havoc Clara had wreaked on it

He could not think what on earth possessed her to behave in such a manner. Then realised how great her anger and resentment must have been towards himself and Eleanor. He realised somewhat guiltily he might have deserved it, but Eleanor had not.

But if it had obviously upset his wife to run off like this which was unusual in itself, and he found himself admitting he probably also had to share some of the blame for that. He knew Eleanor had been trying to do the right thing and play her part as mistress of Somerton Manor lately, and he had not made her life easy. And after she had been so understanding the night before, despite the way he had treated her

It was no wonder she had wanted to get away.

But that didn't stop him being concerned about her now, even more so, as he had the guilt of the death of his first wife on his hands. He really didn't need history repeating itself now, just when he was trying to move on at last. He had to find Eleanor one way or the other, he realised in desperation as he urged his horse into a trot

Daniel managed to rouse and alert some of the other tenants on his land to help look for her as well, hoping she would be back, or be found before it got dark. If not then he would be seriously worried.

The Somerton Manजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें