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Eleanor tried to appeal to her Aunt Elizabeth, that she was not happy with the prospect of becoming Daniel Somerton's wife in the hope she could get her aunt to change her uncle's mind.

But it was to no avail.

Even though her aunt admitted she would miss her niece's usefulness around the home, as well as looking after her younger cousins. Her husband had convinced her that they would have to sacrifice their own needs for that of Eleanor's future.

After all, she was now of marriageable age, and Daniel's offer was better than could be expected. He was fairly wealthy, and would make sure she was taken care of financially, so she should be very pleased with her catch.

Eleanor tried to point out that she and Daniel hardly knew each other, but her aunt dismissed this also. Telling her that lots of marriages happened that way, and she would get to know her husband once they were married.

It was not what Eleanor wanted to hear. She wasn't sure why her Uncle insisted that the marriage would be a good thing for her.

But he was adamant that it would take place, and her protests fell on deaf ears, as she was accused of being ungrateful, or too young and inexperienced in the ways of life, to know what was good for her, this was how things were done.

In the end she found herself bowing to their wishes, especially when her aunt claimed her rebellious attitude was making her ailments worse, and it wasn't fair, when all they were doing was taking care of her future welfare.

It didn't help when her eldest cousin's Kate found out about the news, she was dismayed, and protested about such a match, before eagerly filling Eleanor and her mother in on the gossip and rumours that was going around about Daniel Somerton which she had heard.

It was claimed he had pushed his pregnant wife down the stairs and then had gone off to fight in the war in France to escape from being convicted of her murder.

Her mother had scolded her daughter for spreading such wild tales and trying to frighten her cousin Eleanor on her forthcoming nuptials Both her aunt and uncle, then reassured her that such scandalous talk was nonsense, and although Eleanor found herself reluctantly agreeing it was probably just silly gossip, and there was no truth in such tales, there was a small part, deep down inside felt that he would probably be capable of such a thing. So it did nothing to calm her fears

But Eleanor did not like to be the cause of any trouble, or ill feeling between herself and her Aunt and Uncle. All the time she had spent with them she had been happy in the background, doing things for her aunt and her cousins, never drawing any sort of attention to herself... To be thrown into the forefront of everything, felt a little odd, and frightening

But that was exactly where she was as she sat in front of her dressing room mirror, with her aunt's maid helping her get ready for that evening when Daniel would be calling to formally propose to her.

It had been grilled into Eleanor to refuse him, would bring great displeasure to her Aunt and Uncle, So Eleanor knew she could not do that.

Her Aunt came in and fussed over her, getting her ready. Eleanor tried to be a little enthusiastic but failed miserably. Not that her aunt seemed to care or notice, they were all excited for her.

Elizabeth ushered her dejected niece down the stairs, when it was announced Daniel had arrived.

"For heaven's sake child, do try and smile, it is your wedding we are planning, not your funeral" she scolded.

Eleanor wished her aunt understood it felt more like her funeral, but she remained silent.

Daniel was already in the drawing room with Gareth, as Eleanor and her Aunt entered.

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