Eleanor Takes Charge

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If Clara intention of hanging her mother's portrait to upset her stepmother had failed, this was not the case when Daniel arrived back some hours later and discovered it on the drawing room wall, seeing Isabella smiling down at him made him stop in his tracks in shock, as it was something he was not expecting to see. He felt the colour drain from his face, and it took him a moment to recover, just in time as Eleanor joined him. She noticed he looked rather pale and drawn, and was staring up at the portrait of his dead wife, and realisation suddenly hit her. Daniel now turned his attention to her with a fierce frown "How did that get up there?" he demanded

"It was Clara's idea," Eleanor spoke up, "She found it, and I think she wanted to have her mother's portrait somewhere where she could see it to remember her by, I-I didn't see any harm in letting her put it up here, if it helps her feel more at home" she then hastily added

"And you did not think to consult me first?" Daniel demanded his jaw tightening.

"I-I didn't think I needed to, as I didn't think you would mind," Eleanor stammered in honest bewilderment.

"Well, you thought wrong. Where is my daughter?" he then queried

"She is In her room, do you want me to fetch her?" Eleanor asked uneasily, sensing this was not going to end well. "She has been out riding for most of the afternoon and is probably tired and sleeping, if you want to wait until tomorrow" she then suggested, trying to stave of the brewing storm and hoping that Daniel would eventually calm down

"No, it will not wait until then, just have her brought down to me now, or I will go to her room and deal with her there" he threatened

"Fine, I will get one of the maids to fetch her down," she replied resignedly filled with nervous tension, "B-But I don't understand why you are so upset" she then dared to venture aloud

"I don't need you to understand anything. What I need you to do is keep control of my daughter something which you seem incapable of doing" he snapped "Now just go and fetch her"

Eleanor found herself swallowing down the sting of his unjust accusation, knowing it was useless trying to reason with him. and went to find someone to fetch Clara, she decided to leave father and daughter to it, feeling her presence would not be welcomed by either of them. She went into the library across the hall, but decided to leave the door open, having some real concern, about what Daniel might do or say to his daughter.

Clara had been a little surprised when the maid informed her her father wanted to see her right away. Usually he did everything to avoid her, so she was wondering what had occurred that he wanted her company,

She came down the stairs and found him standing in the drawing room, his back to the portrait of her mother, and frowning darkly as she came into the room. Something told her this was not going to be a pleasant exchange,"You wanted to see me?" she queried hoping her voice sounded steadier than it felt, "What have I done wrong now?" she then demanded seeing his displeasure at the sight of her.

"I want to talk about your presumptuous behaviour, for bringing your Mother's portrait down and hanging it in this room without asking me first"

"Why shouldn't I hang her portrait up here, she is my mother after all, part of this house and my life, and part of your life, unless you have forgotten" she finished accusingly

"Do not speak to me in that manner, when you do not understand matters in this house. I warned you about your willful behaviour, I am your father and I will not have you keep defying me" he raised his voice in anger, which only made Clara anger rise within her, feeling justly upset that he was not happy with seeing her mother's portrait hanging up in the room, and making her feel she had done something awful

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