Chapter 18: Back to the Guild

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Chapter 18: Back to the Guild

Kira's POV

It was morning by the time we got back to Magnolia. We headed straight for the guild, so they would know automatically. Natsu pushed the door open and I waited outside for a few moments. I was too scared to go in. Natsu stuck is head out after he realized I wasn't following him..

"Are you coming?" he asked. I nodded, slowly. He reached out and grabbed my hand and he pulled me inside. Everyone stared at me and I started to fidget. Lucy ran over to me and tackled me to the ground.

"We missed you." she said. She pulled back and I saw she was crying. I froze. A lot of people ran over to hug me. Everyone was crying and gathering around us. When they finally pulled back, I was in tears too.

"What happened to you?" they asked.

"I was locked up in a cell for most of it. I don't remember most of it. I was going crazy a lot, trapped." I said. I looked down and scratched my earlobe.

"Eh, who cares where she was." Cana yelled. "All that matters is that she is here now!" Cana raised a barrel and chugged it. I smiled. Everyone agreed and we threw a 'Welcome Back' party. We party for a while before me and Lucy left. I was dead drunk, and Lucy was a little tipsy. Mai walked behind us, carrying Leia.

"I'm happy I'm back." I said. I looked up and smiled at Lucy and then passed out. When I woke up, it was the middle of the night. My body felt warmer than normal, so I lifted the covers and found both Natsu and Mai hugging my body, Natsu's head on my chest, Mai's head was on my stomach. Leia had her body in my neck, her tail wrapped around my neck.

I smiled and for the first time in forever, I felt like I was home.

And that is it for 'New Comer to Fairy Tail'! I originally wrote this story on Quotev back in what, 2015? I think it was that long ago. It's still up on my page if you want to check it out, but not much has changed. Thank you for reading my story and I hoped you enjoyed it. I might re-write it even more, but it's doubtful. I just did it this time because I have gotten better as a writer and I wanted to fix my previous mistakes.

Anyways, enough of my rambling. I hope you have a wonderful day (afternoon, or night)!

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