Chapter 4: The Fight

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 Hey guys, before I start, there is an important piece of information at the bottom and I highly suggest you read it, so things make more sense.

Chapter 4: The Fight

"So you want to fight me, Natsu?" I asked. I put my hand on my hip as Leia held me up in the air with her tail wrapped around my stomach. I slid my hoodie off, not wanting to get it burned or worse, and threw it to the ground. Lucy caught it for me and held onto it. My white tank top ended at the middle of my stomach and hugged my body closely. I pulled at the hem some, a little conscious of how tight it was.

"Why do you think I'm up here!?!" Natsu yelled back, his fists coated in flames. So he was a Fire Dragon Slayer. He gave me a big, excited smile. I smiled back at him, equally excited.

"Don't say I didn't warn you." I said, smiling. Leia bolted straight up into the sky, which caught Natsu, and everyone else, off guard. Once we were a few miles above him, Leia let me go and I dropped straight down. She hated doing this because there was always a chance something could go terribly wrong and she didn't want to see it happened, but she always agreed to do it because I asked her too.

I heard Lucy's screams as I got closer to the ground. I got closer and closer to Natsu and his eyes showed fear as he looked up at me. I wasn't sure if it was fear for his life or mine, but I could see he feared something. I laughed at him and pulled my fist back.

I almost punched him, but the little blue cat pulled him backwards before I could make contact. We were a hundred feet above the ground and I was falling. I twisted my body around to face Natsu as I fell, and I waved at him, smiling. I opened my arms and fell freely.

I heard Lucy yell, "Someone! Help her!" I was about fifty feet or so above ground now. I saw Natsu and his cat flying at me, but I couldn't have that. I shot a fireball at him, which pushed me down faster and pushed him back.

I spun back around and looked at the ground. I was closer, enough time if I did it now. I put my hand out and I hit the ground. There was a huge dust cloud and I could hear screams all around me. I pushed myself off the ground with my feet and launched back up at Natsu. I hit him in the face, which sent him and the cat away from me and towards the ground.

Leia swooped in when I was falling again and grabbed me. "God, you're such a pain." she groaned at me. She flew us towards the guild members and they were all pale as they looked at me. I laughed at them.

"It looks like you've all seen a ghost or something." I said, smiling.

"How?" Lucy asked, her voice trembling. The more she spoke, the stronger and louder it became. "How did you survive that? How can anyone survive that?"

"Oh, that." I said, smiling. I looked back at the dust cloud, which was almost gone, and so did everyone else. A wind picked up and blew the dust away. All that was left was a giant crater of loose dirt. "Easy, I made the ground soft before I hit the ground. And then I launched back up to hit Natsu." I explained.

"So, she's an Earth Dragon Slayer?" someone commented. People started agreeing and adding comments on it. I was about to tell them they were wrong when Natsu flew over to us.

"That was a sneaky trick." Natsu said.

"It wasn't sneaky, I just didn't tell you." I stated, shrugging.

"Wait a minute, when we were in the air, you shot a fireball at me. So, how did you make the ground soft?" Natsu asked, scratching his head. Makarov walked over towards us.

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