Chapter 10: To Protect

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Chapter 10: To Protect

I ran out of the hotel and started running down the street. I could hear it running after me, not interested in the others anymore. I listened to it and it sound like it was on two legs, his footsteps were light. If I had to guess, I would say he was either 100 something pounds or he was using wind magic to hold himself up, so he isn't loud enough to be heard.

It was running on the rooftops above me, but it sounded like it was at least a few feet back. I could feel the Earth underneath my, now, bare feet. I took off my boots right after I left them behind. I twisted my foot as I pushing off and I used my powers to increase my distance from him. And the beast did the same thing I did. He's definitely using wind magic, now I didn't have a doubt in my mind.

I made a sharp right turn and jumped over the street and to the next building, and followed me again, now on the opposite side of me. I combined my Earth magic and Shadow magic to push myself faster. I seen a building up ahead and I saw it was a dead end. Right before I hit, I came to a complete stop and turned around.

The beast also stopped, and jumped down from the buildings and stood in front of me. I looked at him and saw it was a man. He had long, black hair that covered his entire body and he wore black shorts. His bright red eyes broke through the darkness. I looked closer at his eyes and I realized, they were a deep shape of red, it almost made it look like they were the color of blood.

"You won't be taking any more lives from this valley." I said to him. He gave me a cold, deep laugh.

"Do you know how many people and wizards have said that same line to me before?" the man asked, tilting his head to the side. "You'll be another stupid person going against me, thinking they were powerful, and losing by my hand." He gave me a dark smile and I saw all his teeth were filed to a sharp point.

He lunged for me, but I kicked him away from me. He went flying into the right building and broke through the wall. I didn't see any people inside it and I sighed in relief. He crawled out of the building and wiped blood away from his hair lip. He smiled at me again and I shivered. I always hated seeing teeth like that. It brought up really bad memories.

"Well, that was a first." he said. I put my hands on my hip and glared at the man.

"Well, there will be a lot more where that came from." I snapped at him.

"This'll be fun." he said. He lunged at me again, but I threw my arms up and an Earth wall came between us and wrapped itself around him. I listened to him start punching it. "LET ME OUT! LET ME OUT!" He kept screaming this while punching the wall, but it didn't break.

I lit a small fire inside the Earth ball, to take out some of the oxygen so the man would pass out. After a few minutes, he did and I opened a small hole, so some oxygen would go in. I waited a moment, to see if he was pretending and was going to use the hole to his advantage, but he didn't. I pushed the ball back to the hotel and once I was out front, the little girl ran outside and hugged me.

Her little head came up to the middle of my stomach, and now that it was daybreak, I could actually look at her. She seemed like she seven or eight years old. I felt her tears against my stomach, she was probably scared I would be killed and was worried about me. Gajeel and Wendy ran out and looked at the ball. Aire brought Natsu out, still in the barrier. She released him and re-entered my body.

I watched Natsu walk over to me, angry, so I pushed the girl towards Wendy. Natsu punched me in the face, hard, and grabbed me by the front of my tank top. I didn't hit him back or resist. This was his way of being worried for me, so I couldn't really do anything against him since I already froze him and put him in a barrier.

"You shouldn't have done that alone. You could have died." he snapped at me.

"Yeah, well, I didn't die and you promised the Master you wouldn't get involved." I said. "Knowing you, you would have followed me and tried to help me." I smiled at him and he started rubbing the back of his neck, knowing I was right. Happy jumped on his head.

"Yeah, he would have." Happy agreed. "He kept begging us to let him out. By the way, what's in the giant ball?"

"The Night Walker." I answered, like it wasn't a big deal. The little girl's eyes practically fell out of her head.

"H-He's in t-there?" she stuttered and I nodded. She looked at it for a minute before she started punching it, crying. I watched people start to fill the street around us, murmuring about it.

"Is it true?" one said.

"Is it really caught?" another asked.

"Is it still alive?" another asked.

"Wait. Is this guy even alive?" Gajeel asked, poking the Earth ball. All of a sudden, the Night Walker busted out of the ball and everyone screamed. I jumped at him and punched him into the ground, which ended up knocking him out. I quickly rolled him onto his back and cuffed his hands together with magic repellent handcuffs. I guess I was right, he really did use the little hole to his advantage.

One of the valley people came up to me and smiled. "Thank you, child." she said. She was a little old woman, and from her clothes, I was guessing she was the head of this town. "The Night Walker has terrorized us for months, now we can sleep peacefully. We can't thank you enough for what you have done for us." She bowed in from of me and so did the rest of the valley people. I felt my face go red and I started to rub the back of me neck. I wasn't good in these types of situations.

"No, it's okay, please stand up." I said. "You don't need to thank me, I'm just happy to help." People started coming up to me and shaking my hand, thanking me. When I finally stopped, another person came up to me with a bag. I looked inside it and seen my reward for it. I smiled at the man and nodded my head to him. "Thank you."

I walked over to the little girl and crouched in front of her. "Do you have anywhere else you can go? Any living relatives?" I asked her. She shook her head, sadly.

"No, I don't. My mom was an only child and my dad's sister died years ago, along with my grandparents." she said, starting to cry again. I felt sad for her, so I reached up and wiped a tear from her face. She looked at me and I smiled at her.

"Do you want to come to Magnolia and stay with me?" I asked her. She stared at me, stunned for a moment, before nodding excited. "Good." I stood up and grabbed her hand. We got food, water and everything we needed for a trek to the train station and then back home. The valley people gave us all the supplies, even though I wanted to pay and begged them to pay, but they didn't let me.

We waved to the valley people as we made our way to the train station. The others flew with the cats while I used my powers to run with them. I mean, I could fly with my wind powers, but I need to exercise, so I just ran.

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