Chapter 13: The Past

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Chapter 13: The Past


"Come on, wake up already." Shade snapped, nudging me with his foot. I sat up and put my hands to my head. The chains tightened and I couldn't move them anymore. The chains weren't very long in the first place and that was as high as I could get them, so I was sitting most of the time since it was too hard to stand.

The chains weren't magic-sealing chains anymore. I couldn't use any magic anymore because he barely fed me in the first place, so he started using the regular ones. Leia was laying next to me. She wasn't chained down like I was, but he didn't feed her at all. He hates Leia with all his being, just because I love her. He got like this with anyone I like or love.

Shade crouched in front of me and pushed some of my hair out of my face. He let his index finger linger on my cheek, but I turned my face away from his hand. The room was dark, except the little bit of light coming from the one window and the door. There's bars on the door now, so it'll be hard to escape without magic.

"I'm leaving for a few days. I was going to leave some food and water in here, but..." he started, looking away from me at the end of his lingering sentence. I quickly grabbed black, leather jacket.

"No, please... I'm sorry." I begged, quietly. His 'few days' will probably be a month for normal people and I know I wouldn't be able to survive that long without food or water.

Shade looked at me and smiled, happy with my answer. He pushed more hair behind my ears and I suppressed a shutter. He roughly grabbed my face and kissed my cheek. I felt like gagging, but that would end badly, so I didn't.

And then, he left. He came back later with a lot of food and a few water bottles. He set the on the ground next to me and patted my head. He turned around and walked to the door. Before he left, he looked at me seriously. "I'll be back soon." he warned, and he was gone.

I grabbed Leia and shook her awake. I gave her a quarter of the food and we ate all of it quickly. I grabbed the water bottles and drunk as much as I could without throwing up. We waited until the sun had set before we made our escape. I stood up and grabbed Leia. I closed my eyes and quickly wrapped the shadows around me and then, we were gone.


I felt like I have been walking for hours. My legs aren't going to hold me up much more. Leia was still asleep in my arms. She hasn't woken up since we left that black, suffocating cell. I've tried to wake her up a few times, but she refuses to get up, thinking our escape is only a dream.

We already went by a town, but I fear HE would be there, so I went around it and kept my distance just in case. As I walked on, I kept smelling the air, looking around and waiting for his scent to come across my nose, but it hasn't.

Finally, I passed out in the middle of the desert. I was okay with dying here. This was because it was my dream to finally escape that cell and I did it. The only thing I don't want, is to die in that cell. I wasn't sure how long I was out, but when I woke up in a house that I was not familiar with. I quickly sat up and seen a man sitting at the table, looking at me.

"No need to worry, missy." he said, raising his hands up in surrender. "I'm not associated with your ex-boyfriend or anything. You are malnourished and dehydrated." When I gave him a confused look, he laughed. "You kept saying his name while you slept."

"Yeah, the symptoms some true, but he's not my ex." I said. "He's just some crazy guy who kidnapped me while I slept. He claims to be in love with me, but I don't see love in kidnap and assault."

"What did he do to you?" the man asked, disgusted and angry. For a moment, I was scared he was angry at me, but I quickly realized he was angry at Shade for what I had said. I snorted and looked down at my wrists.

"Chained me to the ground. Barely gave me any food or water, so I had to be good at rationing it. He beat me and my friend, mostly me because I protected her." I said. I noticed Leia was curled into a ball by my hip. I reached down and stroked her fur. Slowly, she crawled onto my lap and wrapped her body around my left arm.

"If you are looking to hide, I know a great place." he said. "You should go to a city named 'Magnolia', beautiful and a great place to be. They have a guild there by the name of 'Fairy Tail'. If you go there and join, they will treat you like you are their own." I saw admiration in the old man's eyes and I knew he was telling the truth.

I nodded and smiled at him. "Okay, thanks." I said. He smiled at me and tapped the seat in front of him.

"Alright, now come eat before it gets cold." he said, pointing to the plate of food. "I have tons, so eat as much as your stomach can handle." I woke Leia up and we ate the food before the man showed us a map of the way to Magnolia and we began our trek there.

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