The First Time Around

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Eventually, the time did come of course. He insisted on taking me out to dinner. I did not want to of course especially that day because I had gained a couple of pounds when I weighed myself that morning. I ended up in a long sleeved red dress, white tights, and black booties. The night progressed like our usual nights together, except when he made little comments that threw me off course and caused heat to flash through my body.

Things like:

"Red on you makes me want to make a scene on this table with you."
"God the things your lips do to me."
"Christ Scarlett I want to tear those tights off of your body."

It did not help that we were sitting so close together and I constantly had to cross and uncross my legs to combat his effect on me or the way my thighs would automatically tightened along with other parts of me below the waist, even in my stomach.

A few of those times he would place his hand on my thigh mid-cross or clench with an expression on his face that was full of knowing. Sometimes, he would just lean over and kiss me hard until I nearly could not breathe.

When we got into his slinky car the energy was so tangible you could literally cut it with a knife. He had our hands interlaced and I held his hand between both of mine in my lap. Once we were through the door of my apartment he hooked his arm around my torso to pull me back to him then turned me and pressed me against the door.

He leaned down over me with both hands against the door, effectively caging me in. I stared up at him waiting. He grinned as he reached down and locked the door. He reached up and cupped my jaw, running his thumb over my bottom lip. I captured it between my teeth, holding it lightly in place. My tongue flicked out to hesitantly touching the tip. His eyebrow rose at me and my actions. I released him and he smirked as he lowered to my mouth. I leaned up onto my toes and held onto his shoulders to kiss him.

His hand was against my neck and holding me close. His tongue came out and traced the inside of my mouth, dancing with my own. He spontaneously gripped my hips, lifting me off the floor. I instinctively wrapped my legs around his waist while he carried me to the couch. My back hit the cushion and his hands were going for my dress. I worked my shoes off of my feet and kicked them off. My dress was at my hips when I gripped his face, forcing him to look at me.

"Bedroom." I panted out.

He nodded and stood up with me still in his hold as he padded to my room. We got to the bed and fell on it, forming a cluster of limbs and torsos as we worked our way towards the middle. He started kissing me again and laced our hands. Warm lips were all I felt kissing down my face and my neck while he retracted his hands from mine so that he could push them under my dress.

He tore off my tights, roughly and unceremoniously mumbling that he would buy me some more. When they were gone he came back to my lips while I unbuttoned his shirt. I ran my hands over his cream colored skin, feeling the muscles as they contracted and expanded with his activity.

His shirt was pushed off his shoulders and thrown to the floor. Not too long after, I reached for his pants, pulling at the belt and undoing his zipper. He got the hint and shimmied out his shoes, socks, and pants. Before he joined me on the bed, he reached for my dress and I let him pull it over my head and throw it down with the rest of his clothes.

Immediately, I regretted it, I was exposed in only my undergarments. A larger number of little discolored scars all over my body felt like they were glowing. There was still more beneath the garments and I wanted to curl up and hide. He observed my change in disposition. I drew my knees up avoiding his attention. He climbed back onto the bed and kneeled in front of me. He took my arm away from my body and gently began to remove my bracelets.

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