Ch. VI) A New Horizon

Start from the beginning

Kiku looked to Leila. “I-I think it would better if you were protected in a place like this.” He said softly. “I arranged to have our rooms next to each other. You’ll still have your privacy, I promise.”

Leila nodded gratefully, blushing slightly. “T-Thank you, sir…” she whispered, eyes glossy with tears. Kiku smiled calmly, motioning for the group to follow him up the stairs.

Maria spent the evening emptying the contents of her stomach into a bucket. Ever since Georgia’s departure, nothing she ate would stay down. Whether it was from anxiety of losing her empire (which wasn’t actually hers anymore), the pain from losing the only person she could confide in, or the fear of being unsheltered when near Antonio, she couldn’t begin to understand. Maybe it was all three that were stressing her, ruining her habits and way of life.

Antonio rubbed her back soothingly. “Ai, Maria, you are frail, no? We have to find something for you to eat.” He scolded, running a hand through her hair. Maria sent a bitter glare into the bucket she’d been leaning over, no longer strong enough to protest. The constant choking and ups and downs had made her weak and sickly. Maria had been told nothing she suffered from was fatal. She surprised herself in wondering if that was a good or bad thing.

Antonio sighed. He hadn’t been expecting an answer. Gently, he lifted Maria and brought her to his room. “Stay.” He commanded, smiling warmly. “I have a few things to discuss with you, Maria. I will be returning to Spain temporarily. In that time…” he sat beside her, smile not faltering even when she flinched away. Maria scrunched against the wall, shifting fearfully when Antonio leaned over her.

“Calm down, mi Maria. In that time, I don’t wish to be alone. I want the love of my life with me…I want to bring you, Maria. You can see my homeland…the cuisine….Does it interest you, Maria? Will you willingly come with me?” he questioned, eyes shining hopefully. Maria wanted to snarl at his charming smile. Even after the horrible wrongs he’d committed, she’d seen how women of her own still swooned when he passed by. Was it possible to be attracted to someone so wicked? Would she fall for him, too? And with her emotions tangled with grief, she knew she’d become vulnerable….more than she already was.

Antonio patiently awaited an answer. Maria crossed her arms. “I won’t leave my people.” She said through grit teeth. She tried to avoid his gaze, hoping to keep her opinions strong. Antonio forced her gaze back to him. “Maria, look at me. Los barbarous-“

“What!?” Maria hissed, eyes flashing. She’d heard the word before, and it cut her still. “Tell me what that word means!”

Antonio frowned. “Savages, Maria. That’s what they are. I’m asking you kindly, mi querida. Come with me?”


“Then I’ll have to treat you like a prisoner, rather than the princess you are. It will take a while to return to Spain. For months, I will be your only salvation. There will be no garden…no servants….no kingdom, and I won’t spoil you any longer. You choose to act like a slave. I will grant you your wish, Maria. You’re not my princess any longer.” Antonio breathed, placing one hand on the wall. “Just remember…” his voice was low and sharp. “Everything you have now can be taken away in an instant. Did you honestly think I’d leave you here to your own devices…? Kiss that boy goodbye…he’ll be dealt with before we leave.”

Maria shivered with fear as he pulled away, exiting sharply. She placed her hands on both sides of her head in grief. “No, no….no!” she chanted. She lifted herself immediately, wincing at the pain. Quickly, she rushed out the room, hoping to reach Erel before Antonio. She hurried down the stairs, avoiding any passing slaves. Antonio couldn’t have left already…then again, when he was angry, nothing seemed impossible.

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