
         I stopped pacing to look at Eric. He looked angry and blood was dripping from his lips like crimson. His shirt was drenched too.

         “What is it?” I snapped and went back to brainstorming on what I could do now.

         “What are we going to do now?” he asked me and I leered at the window for a minute.

         “Speed things up.”

         I turned and walked past Eric. My speed only increased as I got to the outside grounds and looked up at the sky. I held my hand up and lighting joined by thunder filled the heavens and made it pour before me.

         “Hear me now! Hear my cries! Evil come from all sides!” I called and could feel the darkness move through the night to me. From goblins to vampires, to ancients who hadn’t been woken in so long that their name was forgotten.

         This isn’t over by a long shot. Prepare to die Violet Knight.


Violet’s P.O.V.

         “Yes the field is by the sea. If we start getting pushed back I think it would be best for you to come in and drown the ones you can. The covens and wizards can put up a big enough force field to protect our troops,” I endorsed and received nods from everyone around the table.

         “Do you have room for some more?” My mom’s voice asked from behind me and I jumped.

         “How did you get here?” I asked and hugged her.

         “Me.” I let go of her to see Hermes, Apollo, Artemis, and Poseidon.

         “Oh Hermes! All of you guys are here! How did you get past Zeus?” I asked amazed and so was everyone else.

         “Let’s just say Zeus isn’t all he’s cracked up to be,” Hermes winked and I chuckled.

         “How far have you gotten?” My mom asked me and I reviewed the battle plans and courses of attack.

         “The door is over here though. If we can let’s try and guard that so Eric can’t open it,” I commanded and everyone was for sure on board with it.

         For more than an hour all of us were becoming more acquainted with everyone’s powers, families, history, and so on except I still kept Ambrose’s gift of reading emotions a secret. He smiled slyly at me and mouthed a ‘thank you’.

         “Miss Violet! Miss Violet I think you need to see this!” A vampire from a brotherhood called and I followed him to where we had a huge flat screen fifty inch T.V. in a dining area.

         Everyone followed me and I listened to a news lady who was reporting live. “Hello everyone my name is Cynthia Clause reporting live at Claire, Louisiana. As you can see behind me an utmost tragedy has occurred. An anonymous tells us a very tall vampire went on a rampage and killed every woman, man, and child in just a half hour. None got out alive except for a woman who is now in critical condition. The police are advising every human to stay in their houses, to lock the doors, and to be armed. This has reached all over the nation and already humans are showing more and more hate crimes against vampires. Back to you Kent.”

         All were silent as I turned the T.V. to mute. Continuing footage of ambulances putting bodies in body bags plastered themselves all over the screen. They said the death count was well over a thousand people in the bottom part of the screen as well. Next came officers who looked outraged but I didn’t have to turn the volume back on to know what they were saying.

         “A half hour,” Alcide breathed.

         “Eric did this,” Pam stated quietly with morose.

         It took everything in me to turn around and face my allies, friends, and troops. From one end of the room to the other I looked everyone in the eye. My breathing was slow and tight in my chest. My hands began to shake and become clammy so I held them in fists at my side. I made my lip not quiver with everything in me and looked Max in the eye before giving strength to my voice.

         “I know what I have to do,” I stated strong.

         Max looked at me weird and studied me hard before his eyes began to go wide. Through our link I let him read my mind.

         “To kill Eric.” I concluded and I wasn’t shocked to see everyone’s eyes go wide.

         “NO! DAMN IT VIOLET! YOU CAN’T DO IT!” Max yelled at me and then punched a wall leaving quite a huge hole.

         “It’s the only way and you know it. If we can’t stop him from opening the door, Eric will die.”

         Max looked like he was going to explode. His body was practically convulsing. Not even my mother said anything to him. I just continued to look him in the eye and then watched him stalk off fuming more than I had ever seen him do before.

Two For The BloodМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя