So Jc tried calling Connor, but the same thing had happened with him.

This number is not available at this time please leave a message after the tone.

Jc let out a groan, turning off his phone in frustration, but immediately after turned it back on to check the time. To his horror, all the buses had run already, and the parking lot was empty, so the option of asking someone for a ride was out of the question as well.

He couldn't walk two miles on crutches.

He turned his phone back on, but for some reason all he saw was a black screen. 

"No no no no, please no," Jc mumbled out loud as the sign that said his phone was dead came up.

Great. Just what he needed.

Jc turned to go back inside the school, but of course it was locked from the outside so not only was he unable to go home, but now he was stuck outside, with the possibility of him getting heatstroke high.

He slowly sat himself down on the steps of the school, putting his hurt leg in front of him and his head in his arms so the sun wouldn't be too in his face.

Someone would eventually realize Jc wasn't home and they'd come for him, right? But that could be hours, Jc thought realistically.

It wasn't until 15 minutes later that Jc became aware of a noise coming from the trees.

And he became alert the second a small pebble came rushing toward him, hitting his forehead and probably leaving a small red mark. It had for sure come from the trees.

The trees seemed to be staring back at him in an odd unexplainable way, Jc didn't like it at all.

A few seconds had passed between Jc and the tree's staredown that a figure came out from behind the trees.

"You seemed like an easy target to hit, sorry about that," Kian pointed to the red mark on Jc's forehead, indicating he was the one who had thrown the pebble.

Why was Jc even surprised to see Kian anymore? He knew he couldn't avoid him forever.

It was practically impossible to avoid this boy, Jc concluded.

Kian made his way up the steps to where Jc was still sitting.

Kian gave him a grin, knowing how much Jc hated that he was here.

"Don't think I'm stalking you or something, I actually just got out of detention. No shocker there though right?" Kian laughed, Jc didn't.

Jc had still said nothing, but his expression said everything. He was not happy or pleased right now. His eyebrows were knitted and his bottom lip was pouted out in irritation.

But something in Jc's eyes showed the opposite of what he was putting out. It was as if his eyes were smiling. Kian was the shocked one now. 

He blinked a few times to make sure he wasn't seeing things. Maybe he just wasn't reading Jc right.

Jc took notice in Kian watching him intently, but didn't say anything, just got up. He had gotten better at moving on crutches anyway.

Unfortunately he wasn't that fast on them because as soon as he started walking away, Kian calmly followed.

"What do you want from me?!" Jc finally spat out, looking him straight in the eyes. He had just broken his 'oath' of not talking to Kian, but at this point he didn't really care.

 "Oh me? Yeah I don't want anything from you. But I think you're the one who needs something," Kian said simply, checking out the dirt from underneath his fingernails. Kian had a very chill but confident attitude that Jc would never be able to explain.

Jc snorted, "Yeah okay and what is that that I 'need'?"

"You my friend need a ride, right?" Kian glanced at Jc, already knowing the answer.

Jc knew he did, but he would not give Kian the satisfaction to know he was vulnerable right now.

"No, I actually don't need a ride, my girlfriend's coming to pick me up in a few minutes," Jc lied.

Kian gave him a suspicious look. Jc felt like Kian could see right through him. Whether he knew if he was lying or not would remain unknown.

Kian just nodded then shrugged, starting off toward the opposite way in which Jc was going.

Jc watched him go, you need a ride, he told himself with a sigh.

I'm not that desperate, he tried to tell himself.

"Wait!" Jc shouted after Kian who stopped in his tracks. 

Kian smirked, he figured this would happen.

Jc crossed his arms in annoyance as Kian came closer to Jc, his smugness radiating off of him like heat.

"Yes?" Kian asked nicely, as if he didn't know what Jc was going to say.

"Can I have a ride?" he mumbled, not meeting Kian's eyes this time.

"Hmm it depends...what type of ride?" Kian teased, winking at him, then bursting out laughing as he saw Jc's eyes bulge in size.

"Shut up," Jc rolled his eyes at Kian's immaturity.

"I'm just fucking with you...not literally," Kian laughed again, feeling great that he was continuing to annoy the boy in front of him.

"Are you gonna give me a ride or not? And what do you want in repayment?" Jc got down to business.

"Alright fine," Kian turned around, his back facing Jc. Jc was confused at first.

"What are you waiting for? Hop on," Kian laughed. 

Jc only then realized that Kian insinuated he get on his back. 

"Have you never had a piggy back ride, c'mon get on," Kian was getting impatient now.

"But ... wait ? You little.. you don't have an actual car!" Jc was definitly not going to let Kian give him a piggy back ride all the way home. Of course he wouldn't.

"Going once... going twice... going three-" Kian began to count down before his offer would be cut off.

"Okay fine! I accept it!" Jc sighed, annoyed, but then again when was he not annoyed with this boy.

Kian gave him a smirk and Jc handed him his crutches to carry knowing this was a mistake.

A/N: heyyy so yeah I need to write more on this book :/

Kisses xoxo -A

I Love to Hate You (Jian AU)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin