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"Okay. Caspar, I'm leaving the second walkie with you and Jack." You said, gathering your things.

"Thank you for going up with me." Conor said once you started your hike.

"Of course. Josh said you wanted to write and it sounded like a great idea." You replied.

"So, uh. You and Josh, yeah?" He asked, giving you a cheeky smile.

"Yeah." You were already blushing.

"Oh, you've got it bad." He laughed, making you laugh.

"I really, really do. I never thought we would happen, but yesterday was beyond perfect." You said.

"Keep it up and I'll be writing about you two." He teased.

"I won't go into too much detail, then." You threw back.

Caspar and Jack reorganized the camp site, throwing away trash and putting people's belongings back in their tents. Caspar found Josh's sweater on one of the logs by the fire and went to put it in your tent, but when he unzipped it he saw the condom wrapper inside the door.

"Jack!" He called, "Joshy goooot laaaaaid." Caspar sang.

Jack looked and laughed. "That's it. One, I need a girl friend. The fact that Josh is getting laid and I'm not, upsets me. Two, I know for a fact that there's a box of condoms in the SUV they left and that you and Conor always have Condoms packed. We're throwing them all in their tent."

Making sure not to move anything, they covered the sleeping bag in condoms. Jack wrote a note that said "Could you be any louder!?" Even though he hadn't actually heard you guys.

Joe and Josh had a full hour drive there and back. Mostly they caught up and listened to music. But Joe had to ask.

"So did my drunken piss ruin your night?" Joe joked.

"Not at all, actually." Josh looked over a Joe with a faux smug look on his face.

"Oh, really?" Joe replied. "Do share."

"I feel bad talking about y/n when she's not here." He said.

"You really are two peas in a pod." Joe laughed. "To be fair, y/n tells me everything, anyways."

"You guys talk about your sex lives?" Josh asked, genuinely intrigued.

"Mate, she's one of my best friends. One hell of a wingman, too." Joe answered.

"That's true. Well, uh. Let me start by saying that it was literally the best day/night of my life. Like, no exaggeration. I have no clue how I ended up so lucky." Josh spilled.

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