Chapter Forty Six: That didn't go according to plan.

Start from the beginning

"Thanks guys."

"Good luck with the article," Clyde says coming over to me.

"Look out for them all yeah Clyde. Counting on you," I nudge him.

"I always do Lukey boy. We'll catch up soon yeah? Rani and I need to tell you something too."

"Of course Clyde or should I say Clani," I smile at the use of the name. I hadn't used it in so long. Probably not since mum died...

"Luke," Clyde begins.

"We'll speak tonight hopefully," I smile as I leave the attic Paul and Sanjay close behind me. "So you two going to tell me what you were doing or you going to leave me in the dark?" I ask them as we reach the bottom of the stairs.

"You going to tell him or am I?" says Sanjay to Paul.

"If you must know its a surprise for your birthday so lets just leave it at that," Paul smirks.

"If that is only what it is," I laugh as I pull open the front door.

"Luke wait," calls Sky as she runs down the stairs and comes towards me as I turn to face her.

"What is it?" I ask as she chucks her arms around me.

"Be careful," she whispers clinging to me.

"I will be Sky. Don't worry about a thing. I love you and I'll see you tonight alright."

"Alright and Luke don't forget this," she says handing me over my sonic pen.

"Of course thank you," I say taking it.

"That's not like you Luke to forget things is it?" Sanjay asks.

"It happens sometimes but yeah I don't know. It don't matter. See you later Sky good luck," I smile to her as I kiss her on the forehead before I leave the house Paul and Sanjay right behind me.

I stop as I look at my car. After that crash I had with the car with Paul I thought my car would have to be crushed down from too much damage but a little help from Jay's dad who works in a garage its completely back to how it was, new paint job and everything.

I don't know if I would want to drive any other car, not while I still hold such an attachment to this one because mum gave it to me.

"Looks brand new," says Sanjay.

"It does. Come on," I say as I climb into the drivers seat and pull out my keys from my pocket and put it into the car before starting it up.

Sanjay climbs into the passenger seat and Paul sits behind me in the back. "I guess I get second best," Paul laughs.

"Afraid so mate. I mean Luke is my boyfriend after all," Sanjay laughs winking at me.

"I hope you don't mind when I ask this Luke but when did you really begin to feel more attraction towards boys?"

I raise my eyebrows as I drive along the road. "Well I'm not sure but it didn't take me long to figure out I found Sanjay attractive and it just went on from there. I don't think I had really given it much thought or had the chance to really love someone. But I know I love Sanjay and I can't explain how I know. I just know," I tell him.

"I really want to get to know the real you. The real Luke Smith inside and out," Paul says.

"What's to really know? I mean you must know the most of it by now," says Sanjay, "Then again I don't blame you for asking. Luke is amazing. I could listen about him or to him all day," says Sanjay smiling from ear to ear.

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