Chapter Forty Six: That didn't go according to plan.

Start from the beginning

"I'm impressed," he says.

"Its only the first draft of the first part of it but at least its partly done. I just have to finish it off once I've gone to the office block," I tell him.

"This is really easy for you isn't it?" he asks me.

"I guess. Its not hard," I admit.

"You sure you don't want to do something else? Something that be a little be more of a challenge?"

"I made my choice...I made it the moment I left university. I might go back to that one day but for now this is it. I'm happy for now," I admit to him again.

"Kevin you got that last case file?" asks Rani.

"Oh yeah," he says as he wonders off to pick up a piece of paper off the side to hand it to Rani.

Daniel and Jay are over by Mr Smith getting him to pin point every location that the sightings have occurred through out Ealing. Clyde and Sky are sitting on the sofa engrossed in his phone for some strange reason and Paul and Sanjay are currently nowhere to be seen for nearly ten minutes now.

What are they doing?

I save my work before I turn off the computer and go over to Mr Smith standing by Jay and Daniel. "It seems that all these locations have one thing in common," I say to them.

"What?" Jay asks.

"Foster homes within a one mile radius. Get Mr Smith to make sure but I am pretty certain."

"Mr Smith," begins Jay.

"Accessing," says Mr Smith. I quickly walk over to the book shelf and search it until I come across what I looking for.

"I'll quickly read up on this," I say handing it to Kevin.

"What is this?" Kevin asks confused who had been in the middle of helping out Rani.

"Bit of light reading. It never hurt me," I tell him before I walk back over to Mr Smith.

"Luke is correct they are all located close by and very much right near a foster home. Whether that's a house or a proper care home it seems to be both," Mr Smith says.

"Mr Smith could you think of any reason to why these sightings would occur near these foster homes?" Daniel asks.

"Not a clue however all these sightings have happened and only been seen by adults," Mr Smith says.

"I think you should check out every sight. Try get some readings," I say as I pull out my mums watch from my pocket and hand it to Jay. "Don't go jumping in too hastily but you all know what your doing pretty much and it don't seem sitting in the attic doing research will get much else done," I say.

"I agree," says Sky as she gets up off the sofa and so does Clyde.

Sanjay and Paul stroll into the attic smiling, "Ready to go Luke?"

"Yeah actually. What you two been up to?" I ask them.

"Its not important. You lot off out too?" Paul asks.

"Yeah with the help from Mr Smith and Luke we are," says Daniel.

"Good old Luke," says Sanjay putting his hand on my shoulder and I smile.

"I'm not going to abandon everyone and leave them to it if I can help. We support each other," I smile.

"And that's why your in charge," says Jay tapping me on the shoulder and everyone nods to agree or smiles which I gracefully take.

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