The phone call

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Harley POV

The next day I had it off again because I still have no patients. So I was just sitting on the couch reading a book. The phone started ringing I figured it was eather Shelby Zowie or Morgan so I answered it. "Hello."

"Hi Harleen this is Dr. Arkham."

"Hi Dr. Arkham why are you calling me. You never really call especially in my days off."

"I know this is weird but we just got a patent in and would like you to start on him tomorrow."

"Of course Dr. Arkham. May I ask who is it?"

"Yes your patent is the Joker. He is one of the hardest cases but we believe you can handle him." I froze in my place. The Joker!!! I know the Joker personally.  This is going to be strange. And I can't turn down Dr. Arkham he would think there is something wrong with me. "Ok sure. Thanks Dr. Arkham I will see you tomorrow."

"See you tomorrow Harleen." When he hanged up I didn't know what to do. Just yesterday he almost killed my ex!!! I didn't know what to do so I called Shelby and she was on her way over when she got here we sat on the couch and talked. "So your going to be his psychiatrist?"

"Yup it is weird you know cause I already know him. Right?"

"Right I mean just yesterday he almost killed Ben!"

"I wish he had killed him."

"If you don't like Ben that much why don't you kill him yourself?"

"You know I don't and won't kill anyone Shelby!" We just continue talking till 9. "I will text you in the morning Shelby I got work tomorrow."

"Ok then. Tell me everything that happens tomorrow cause I want to know everything!!"

"Ok I will bye." She left leaving me to my thoughts of how tomorrow will go. I change got ready for bed then then phone rang again so I answered it "hello?"

"Hi is this Harleen Qunizel?"

"Yes I am her. May I asked why are you calling?"

"Oh yes. Well I am Ben's doctor. He notified me say you were his girlfriend. So I am calling to tell you he will be fine so don't worry."

"Ok well thanks for calling bye." I froze before going to bed. He told them I was his girlfriend!!

Authors note

Hi guys. So I wanted to get some more tense with Ben. I writing him as a bad guy so people would not like him. Thank you all also I'm surprised that people are actually reading it I thought no one would so thank you all. Love you all bye!!!

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