Secretly In Love

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Jade's POV:
I ran up to my room and sat on my bed, head in my hands. Why did he do that? I didn't care that he'd done it, but why. Suddenly all these feelings arose inside of me and I remembered all those nights I spent thinking about Luke. Yeah, I love him. But does this mean that he loves me? I pushed the thoughts to the back of my mind and began to change for the small group dance. I was wearing another dress, similar to my black one from the duet. It had a different top though. I put on some mini shorts and tucked the skirt of the dress around it, like a belt. This would work really well for me as I had 2 costumes for the dance. One was the dress and the other was the dress, disguised as a top, and shorts that I had on now. I headed downstairs to where Luke and Nash were waiting. I just pretended that the duet had gone as normal and together we headed out to the stage. "You look good," Luke commented. "Your not to shabby yourself," I joked. We acted as if that second had never happened. As if I still hasn't had my first kiss. I climbed up into the branches of the fake tree. We had it on stage as a prop that we would use during the dance. The boys followed me up and we began our dance. For the 1st part we sat in the tree before coming down and doing our dance. It was nostalgic at the end as we reenacted our childhood up to me being kidnapped. It was a great success, although we were still at the bottom of the leaderboard. After the show the 3 of us gathered and I took a photo and posted it on our internet page. The caption was: 'we're in this to win it' followed by #underdogs. It was finally time to head back and rest up for the next day. I passed Lisa in the corridors and she pulled me over. "Don't think that just because he kissed you he loves you," she said. "You should what he's like around me." Her tone was harsh, as if she was telling me to back off. She walked off and I trudged back to the villa, heart aching. Well of course it was too good to be true.
Scarlett's POV:
I heard someone come in and figured it was Jade. The footsteps tiptoed to the elevator and it went up. I sat there for a while in thought. Had Lisa said anything to her? About Luke? If so that poor girl wouldn't sleep for long. Soon enough I the same footsteps come back. I got up to follow them. I saw Jade's figure walk over to the studio, where no one would hear her. I slipped in after her and hid, out of sight. She walked over to the music player and put on a song I hadn't heard before. She then sang.
We're Just Friends
Oh Damn, I've been feeling something for you lately
And I'm trying so hard to just stay cool
Oh man, I think I must be going crazy
Coz all I really really want is to be with you
And I'm like
We're saying we're just friends, but thinking you're my man.
And baby if you knew
Hey I say I'm doing alright, I'm doing just fine
But I'm scattered, scattered
At this point her tone changed to the happy Jade that we all loved to a sad depressed girl. It scared me. To think that she was keeping this bottled up.
And I cry when you're not around
Because it matters matters
Dreaming of your kisses in the night time
Knowing what I'm missing but I still lie
Hey I say I'm doing alright I'm fine
But I'm scattered we're just friends

After 2 more choruses and verses the song ended. Jade collapsed on the ground in a heap and I was about to run over to her. However someone else beat me to the punch.
Luke's POV:
I saw Jade collapse as she finished her song, tears running from her eyes. I ran over to her. She looked up and a look of shock crossed her features. "How much did you-," "Everything," I cut her off. "And whoever this guy is he's a jerk for not realizing how lucky he is." She just began to cry even more. What is wrong with me today?!?! I kiss Jade, I pretty much confess and I forget that she could have been talking to me. "Oh and one more question," I said. "Who was the guy you were singing too?" Her eyes filled again and I kissed her. DAMMIT, WHAT IS WITH ME AND KISSING JADE TODAY?!?!?!?!?!?!?! I quickly broke off, realizing my mistake. "Well, anyway," I said. "I hope this guy loves you back." I smiled sadly. "I know I would die to be in his place," I added, quietly so that she couldn't hear.
Jade's POV:
I was dumbfounded. What did he mean by he would die to be in his place. Wait, he likes me??? No. Lisa told me everything and I trust her. But now I have a song for the concert. Sadly I got up and went back to bed. Stupid Luke. Why can't he see that I'm singing to him?

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