Duets and Solos-Sorted

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Scarlet's POV:
I watched as Silver and Julia performed their duet perfectly. I whispered to Master and noted down on the sketch pad on my lap. Last up was Luke and Jade. We were expecting big things from them so we had our sharpest eyes out. It started out with Jade, wearing her scarf around her head. Her scarf was given to her by her sister as a birthday present when she was a year old. She'd vowed to find her sister and tell her the thanks she couldn't give back then. It was slightly transparent and white in color, with green branches connected to blooming violet cherry blossoms as the design. She never took it off and now used it in her dance. She had a small solo where her character seemed to be lonely and outcasted. Luke appeared and taught her how to dance, which let her have fun. Then he kissed her. My OTP senses went through the roof. Until I realized it hadn't really happened an they had only pretended to kiss. I was pretty annoyed, but I guess you can't have it all. The rest of their performance went by in a blur and soon enough they were finished. It was now time for Master and I to announce the results. "We would like to represent us at the GPG," we told them. "Jade and Luke." As we all celebrated I debriefed them on solos. "And one more thing," I finished. "Only division 2 will enter as our soloists." Everyone gasped as the 5 of us principles say in judge style chairs. "Now go," Nash said. "And make us proud." They all began practicing and the outcomes were amazing. First up were the males. Jack, Storm, Rick, Leo and Silver was our order and they started off well. The male solo was the most difficult competition wise. Males were strong in body and so had great technique, making this area one of the hardest to win. It was Silver's performance that stood out to me though.
Lisa's POV:
It was most definitely Silver that was my vote. He took the concept to a new level, his dance being about his crush accepting his love for her. The song was Parachute by Timomatic and fitted the dance perfectly.

I walked over to the others to discuss the events. Scarlet, Nash, Jade & Luke all agreed with me and I couldn't wait to see Silver's GPG performance. We told the troop and they agreed with is wholeheartedly. We now moved on to the female side of things. Here our order was Krystal, Julia, Sapphire and Luna. Julia and Luna were the standouts to me. Julia had the same story as Silver, but on a deeper, more passionate scale. But it was Luna that shocked me the most. In her dance she was 'Fire' and ventured into the world. Here she is feared and becomes afraid of herself. Really she just a wants someone to accept her and understand her position. The song was I See Fire by Ed Sheeran, the perfect choice for her style and story.

I soon decided on Luna and once again we all agreed. The day was over sooner than I expected though. "Troop listen up," Scarlet dismissed us. "Tomorrow we will work on the small groups so be ready, goodnight." We all trooped off to bed (see what I did there), ready for tomorrow.
Another chappie. What can I say I'm in a writing mood. So I wrote lots. Pls read Running Towards Our Destiny. It is fab and we have put some jokes in there too. Also advertising. So see you guys next chapter.
Baii minna

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