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Jade's POV:
I woke bright and early to help the boys move back to their room. Soon enough a bell sounded and we all trooped into the main hall. I went to the Troop A bench and sat next to Luke and Luna. For the 3rd time over the past 4 days, Master Drew stood on the stage, ready to give us the news. "Guess what brats," he said. "You did it!" Everyone jumped up and celebrated. Me and Luna just sat there and looked puzzled. "What??" We both said simultaneously. Everyone sat down and Master continued. "I got a envelope this morning with all the challenges and line up in it," he said. "So be proud of yourselves Troop A - Fairy Academy is going to the Great Performance Games!" I was shocked. The GPG were the most popular event in the whole of Elementia. 5 academies came together to compete against each other, and ultimately find out the best academy in the whole country. And we were in. "Also Troop A has a new member," Drew said. "Please welcome Nash Oria!" I watched as the tall boy came onstage. I felt my eyes fill with tears and I let them spill down my cheeks.
Nash's POV:
I saw one girl crying. I didn't know why, so I just walked up to Luke and high fived him. "This is great man," he said. "We're finally all together again." I realized what he meant and froze. "Jade's here?" I asked. "Yep, she ran away from the palace and got in here," he said. I looked around, but couldn't see her anywhere. I soon felt a thud and turned around to find the same girl from earlier hugging me. I didn't know who she was, but then she looked up at me. Her huge violet eyes had tears spilling from them. "Jade!!" I shouted as I hugged her back. God it had been a long time. Luke came and hugged both of us and we just sort of stayed there. For a while.
Luke's POV:
"Alright troop," Scarlet shouted to us. "To the studio!" It would be practice days from now on. (Explanation in chappie 15 or 14) We all trooped into the studio and Scarlet showed is the contents of the envelope. "Master and I have decided I the theme so we will assign dances today." She told us. The theme was Acceptance an I was pumped up for it. "Now go," She said. "Pair up and form duets." I grabbed Jade and asked her. Lisa was just about to ask her, but I beat her to my best friend. Lisa pouted an walked off. I stuck my tongue out at her when Jade's back was turned. We soon came up with a song. It was Heroes (we could be) by Alesso and we both loved it. Jade was an outcast, a scarf tied to hide her face and a hatred for everyone. I was a boy, who comes across her in the woods, teaches her to dance an ultimately falls in love with the rebel. He removes the scarf and shows her how to have fun and not care about the others. She falls for him too. I couldn't wait to perform. We would go to the GPG with this. We practiced for hours on end and soon enough perfected it. I was so glad to have Kade as a partner. I looked around the room at the other partners. Sapphire & Nash, Lisa & Luna, Storm & Leo, Silver & Julia, Scarlet & Krystal and Jack & Rick. Tough competition but we would win for sure. Soon enough Scarlet called us to the centre of the room. Time to dance!
Hey guys
I haven't updated for a while so there you go, 2 chapters. Hope you like them and vote, comment, send me song requests and whatever else you lot do. I have created the songs for the GPG, but can use your requests for jobs and things. Hope you all have amazing lives.
Myst The Fairy, over and out.

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