Back In Crocer

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Luke's POV:
I stared out the window of the train car as we entered Crocer. The tall clock tower looked exactly the same and I brought Jade closer to me, scared to lose her again. We'd discussed her name over and over again, until Jade Fairy became the name. The story was that she was the granddaughter of Gramps and recently joined the academy to spend more time with him. Her parents whereabouts are unknown and her only living relative is her grandfather. It was foolproof. Me being the fool of course. We exited the train and entered Crocer train station. A small man spotted us and hurried over. "I am Vincent Topham, your guide for the GPG," he said. He scurried away, us in tow. We soon arrived at the Performance Village. This is where the participants of the GPG stay while they are in Crocer. We were led to a massive villa with our academy symbol hanging from flags. I looked to my right arm, where my red fairy tattoo lay. I saw others doing the same. Luna's blue mark halfway down her left arm. Lisa's white one on her right ankle. Leo's yellow symbol on the left side of his neck. Nash's black tattoo on his left shoulder. Silver's dark blue mark halfway down his left leg. Julia's sea blue stamp on her left thigh. Sapphire's orange symbol on her right shoulder blade. Krystal's green mark halfway down her left arm. Rick's brown symbol on the right side of his neck. Scarlet's red tattoo halfway down her right arm. Jack's sky blue stamp on his back. Storm's gray mark on his left shoulder blade. Jade's violet tattoo on her right hand. We all had the mark somewhere. We entered the tall building and found that every bedroom had a name on it. It went something like this.
Floor 1:
Scarlet, Jack, Gramps
Floor 2:
Leo, Storm, Rick
Floor 3:
Luna, Lisa, Krystal
Floor 4:
Sapphire, Silver, Julia
Floor 5:
Nash, Luke, Jade
I was on the top floor with Jade and Nash. The bottom floor had a kitchen, lounge, recording studio, dance studio and dining room. It was really a great place. Tomorrow was the pre party so the girls headed out to buy dresses. Us boys had to go buy suits. It was so boring and to make matters worse, when we got back the girls wouldn't let us see the dresses. Damn! Soon enough we headed downstairs for dinner, cooked by Lisa and Storm. It was delicious. I couldn't wait for the pre party. I got to meet more people, make more rivals and generally have fun before the games. This would be the best.

Hi minna.
I am on a roll. I am publishing all my drafts for all my books so yeah. Hope you enjoy them all.
Baii minna

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