A Bit Of A Sour Taste Left From You

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  Felicia's P.O.V

  Ever since, I've been keeping a close eye on Carlo. Its been officially a whole year, and summer was back. This year was my senior year, I managed to graduate with all A's from the last your years and was rewarded a scholarship for the arts, I just haven't told a soul yet. Carlo had invited me out once again, it must've been our 30th date or something, we've been going out quite a lot recently but I refuse to give him any lip contact or even hold his hand. Ever since I overheard him and that other guy's drawl, I've been thrown into a bottomless pit of denial.

  Resorting to salkering, going through his things, and even going into investigation regarding his past. Nothing came up about his past which I found strange, everything is hidden yet clearly, it leads to something that's much bigger. Now that school was out, Carlo was taking me to a beach party. Even though I would never miss the chance to show my body off, I covered my stunning bathing suit with an oversized shirt, and capris. I still shaved my legs and dolled myself up, only, less.

  I didn't want to make Carlo stare at me or want me. I've even begun to notice the way he stares at other girls, like they're fresh meat. Its disturbing.

  "Hey! Are you still there. I've been telling you about my friend who owns the beach house where the party will be and you haven't been listening. Is everything alright?" I don't know why but I could hear the lies in his voice. I wanted to rip his throat out and step on it but alas, he's driving the car and I want to live.

  "Oh, I'm just so happy that we're free all Summer! Now we can spend more time together!" Cheering with unmistakably fake happiness, Carlo falls for it as we drive up the drive way of a large beach mansion. There were lights, drunk people, couples sucking one another's faces off. We left the car, Carlo was shirtless and I was tote less. I kept my clothing on feeling somewhat insecure.  I found that a bit strange as well, I'm always so confident in my curves...

   What bothered me most was the amount of tough looking men that surrounded the house, danced to the music, or swam in the ocean. They were all so tall and rugged. Nonetheless, I found myself a seat on the backporch and watched Carlo intently.

  *Time Skip*

  Hours had gone by to my dismay. It was probably 1 in the morning for all I cared. The normal people with dignity and caring smiles were gone and I was surrounded left and right by the bikers. It seemed a fitting name.

  "Felicia! Come here for a moment!" Carlo called. Unconsciously, I stood and made my way to him.

  "Yes?" I asked, trying to ignore the rape-like glances the men would send my way.

  Instead of answering me though, he turned to his friend, one I've never seen before. He had dark features and his skin had quite a few piercings. "What'd I tell you? Isn't she lovely?"

  I was caught off guard by such a comment, more so when his creepy friend replied, "definitely, though I wish she would take those suffocating clothes off. Our eyes won't burn holes in your skin, we just want to see you, dear."

  Goosebumps appeared along the skin of my arms and legs. I shook my head in disagreement but Carlo had other plans. He actually nodded, sending me a grin I've never seen before. It was so dark and ill-intended, I wish I could've crawled into a hole in the ground and died.

  "Let's fix that, shall we?" Carlo stepped forward, and with lightning speed, I found myself battling to keep my shirt on. His friend soon joined and tugged at my pants. A rippling scream was torn from me and I did the one thing I had an instinct to, I fought back. I released my hold on the items of clothing and retaliated with  a good hook to Carlo's face and a perfect front kick to his friend's crotch. They fell back for a mere second and both charged at me. Soon, all of the men standing idly by joined in as well. I wasn't enough and it took four of them to pin me to the sand.

  "Enough! You're so foolish! I can't believe you play a role to someone as important as her. Look at how pitiful you are, she would've defeated us without even so much as a side glance. Unfortunately, we miscalculated, you're knight in shining armor isn't coming, she doesn't lov-"  Silence. Unlike the last time it occurred between the two of us, it was awkward. Now, it was still. A single shot had rung throughout the beach, landing right inside of Carlo, a perfect piercing to the heart.

  As if in an instant, hundreds of soldiers came marching onto the sand, each soldier placing handcuffs on whatever male they could find. In a hurry, the men pinning me down soon fled but I watched them get captured as well. I began to feel a light, fluffy, feeling in the pit of my stomach and I allowed myself a sigh of relief and a smile.

  The minutes of were long and harsh as the soldiers did their jobs, soon leaving the beach bare and heading off towards giant buses and vans to store their prisoners. Even Carlo's body had been transported away. I couldn't feel sympathy for him but I could feel relief that he was finally gone, and I was rid of him.

  Finding my feet, I stand and turn, watching the stars shining down on the beach in a thoughtful yet careful glow, flinching when a hand slapped down on my shoulder. Spinning around, my eyes were instantly lost in a void. A void that was so blue and bright, it put all of the stars to shame.

  I stared at her for a while before reaching up and cupping her cheek. "M-monika?" My voice braved against all odds.

  "Hello Felicia. Its been a while..." Her sweet words flowed around me and coaxed me in a blanket from the harsh winds of the outside world. Everything had a meaning again, and my arms soon found themselves around her neck in a warm embrace. Her arms wrapped themselves around my waist, holding me so tightly I couldn't breath. Yet, I could care less.

  If I could, I would've stayed there forever, holding her like she was my everything because she was, but we eventually loosened our hold on one another and stepped back. I kept my hands firmly planted on her shoulders while her kept hers on my waist, like a perfect clasp.

  "Why did you leave?" I find myself asking.

  "For you. It was a lie. I didn't need to surrender last summer but I made a plan and set everyone up with help from the counselors. When I heard the mission involved gangster rapists in Italy, I felt as if I needed to. I've been keeping an eye on not just them but you too. I don't know what I love most, the fact that you never forgot me or the fact that you never considered him your boyfriend despite his pathetic attempts at flirting."

  "One thing helped me, one thing that not even his cheap flirts would suffice for."

   "And what would that be?"

  "Your undenying love," and just like that, for the first time in the span of a long, agonizing year, my lips found hers.

GerIta ; Heaven Or HellOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz