A Bit Of Revenge Never Hurt Anyone

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  Felicia's P.O.V 

  It had been about a good week since Monika confronted me about my challenging ordeal. Ever since then, she's become much more dangerous around other cadets. From glaring murderously to injuring them menacingly, the whole camp had her as their first entry for their fear's list, well, everyone but me. She was kinder to my little group of friends and even respected Lovi when she was around, allowing her to curse and have her way, which was quite comical. 

   Today had been a long day of endlessly shooting targets. We hadn't yet moved into the expert weapons of pistols or rifles, but instead, Bows and arrows. I wasn't as good Lumi, the Fin was practically a sniper, but I was showing major improvement in regards to just a few days back. I could shoot a bulls-eye if I concentrated hard enough, with the right motivation. Monika was more of a distraction when it came to shooting, imagining the target was her hurt too much so I opted for my common enemy as the target's red ring.

  Just as I reached back to readjust another shot, a familiar voice boomed back to the life above the echoing creaks and shifting of the cadets. "Enough! Leave your bow and arrows on the ground where you found them and run five laps! No complaining or it'll be ten laps instead! When you're finished, regroup back at the Pavilion and wait for another announcement before you begin your meals!"  And off we went, the scrawny sprinting in fear and strong ones pacing themselves in exhaustion.

  *TIME SKIP~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*

  Sighing contently as I arrived at the towering building, I realized I'm among the last to rejoin the cadets and plop down besides Berlinda and Sakura, Lumi sat across from Berlinda and Helice across from Sakura. Scanning the tables scattered randomly within the room, I begin to curiously wonder why Monika called for the meeting, she usually announces what she must in the morning and or confronts any sources she meet need to interrogate. I can only hope that my mental desires will be answered as she steps into view. Entering through the front door, she marches into the room, determination set throughout her facial features and a clipboard in a death grip. A sly glance that locks our eye contact sending my stomach through the roof. 

  Just as Monika planted herself in the center of the room, she held the clipboard up to her face and proceeded to call a long list of names, It could have lasted hours had she not stated them in a rushed, angered, manner. When she finished she glared up from her clip board, a snarl forming on her lips. "I don't need any of you starting as of now. What I do, accepting you all and training you to fight and defend yourself is a privilege, not a must. Why do you think this camp is in such high technology, vast space, and endless supply of weapons? The government provides me with all the necessaries to run this camp successfully and they send me their elite soldiers to train to be even better than they are now! None of you compare to the things they've done yet I still train you and attempt to prepare you, and what do you do? You become snotty! You harass the other cadets who exceed! Bullying them, pranking them, and even going as far as stealing their clothing!! I will not, and I repeat, will not train spoiled brats who think they deserve the world! Oh, and as your last assignment, I want you all to sprint until you drop! Until ambulances have to take you away and never come back with your pathetic excuses for cadets, NOW GO, AND IF YOU DARE STOP TO TAKE A REST, I WILL BREAK YOU!!!!!!!!!"

   Almost immediately, tables upon tables of cadets arise, taking off before Monika can think to shout another command at them. There had to be at least 20 cadets left by the time all the bullies, harassers, and snobby gossip girls and boys had left. As the pavilion door shut for good, my table visibly sighed, relaxing and calming down for the first time since we've arrived here.


   Violent, shaking awoke me nearing throwing me out of bed. Curious as to who would wake me up just as I had fallen asleep, I turn around to come face to face with the bluest eyes I've ever seen. Monika. She held a finger up to her lips, signalling for me to be quiet, and held a hand out for me to take. Hesitantly, I took it and she swept me off my feet, taking my hand in her own and guiding me out the door. Breaking out into a run, I follow her wordlessly. We run until we reach the pavilion. Monika shuts the door behind her and we walk over to my original  table. Instead of sitting down on the wooden bench that connects to the table, we plop down onto the surface of the table instead.

   "Did you... plan everything?" I ask cautiously. Giving me one of her rare smiles, the ones she only gives me, Monika turns to me and wraps an arm around my shoulder while bringing me closer into her embrace. These little moments of human emotions were going to be the death of me!

   "Of course I did, I promised you, didn't I?" Grinning childishly as she gently leaned her head on my own.

  "Yeah, but most people have lied to me and or forgotten me along the way, I guess that's why," I say, smiling sadly before the joy could return back to my smile once again, all because I looked into Monika's eyes. This attraction would be the death of me!

   "That may be so but I'll never abandon you. You can count on me until the very end, I won't fail you like they have," Monika replies confidently with a playfully arrogant grin.

  "Oh yeah? And how can you be so sure of that exactly? Are you my soulmate or something?" cheekily joking around, I realize just how much I've hinted away. DAMMIT stupid stupid stu-

  "konnte sein," she mutters under her breathe, confusing me. She was speaking in German again.

  "I'm going to learn German if you keep using it around me!" I tease jokingly.

  "And who's going to teach you?" Smirking triumphantly, it may have seemed she's won but I have a language of my own! Payback time cagna!

  "bene, io uso italiano!" I sprout, shocking her.

  "Oh fuck no!" She whispers gravely, I can't help but to giggle at her childishly.

  "This was fun Monika! I like sneaking away, too bad Lumi and Sakura will wake me up early tomorrow..."

  "How about I finish early tomorrow? There won't be as many people as there used to be so we might even do twice as much! And, um, maybe you and I can hang out again?"

  "Oh Mia cara, of course!"

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