A personal Lesson

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Felicia's P.O.V

A content sigh passes my lips as I step into the a separate room in the building, one with green mats lining the floor in perfect puzzle pieces. Francesca orders us to take off our shoes and socks and step onto the matted part of the floor. Glancing up, I catch Monika's gaze before turning away shyly.

"Alright, since there are four counselors and four cadets, lets all separate into groups of two," Isabel raises her hand, and Monika nods wordlessly before sighing, "Yes Isabel, you can partner up with your little girlfri-"

Before she can continue further, Lovi steps forward, confidently shouting in Italian, "Excuse you!? I am single! I belong to no one! How dare you, I will wreck you up, you little fucker, ho-"

"Sorella! Stop that! She could send you to run laps!" I burst in, using my native language to good use.

"I don't give a damn!" She bickers.

"SORELLA!!!" I reprimand with a stern glare as she turns away with a pout playing on her lips and crossed arms.

"Fine but if anyone asks, you scolded me and I didn't just give in, I don't want them to see me as weak," Lovi surrenders begrudgingly for my sake.

"Okay!" I giggle at her usual behavior and turn around to face a room of six other people who are staring curiously at us both. Switching back into English, I speak up, "Sorry about that but my Sorella has finally calmed down. Please refrain from calling her Isabel's girlfriend, she can be rather snarky if you do something like that, hehe."

"Well if that clears it up. Isabel, Lovi. Francesca, Lumi. Julchen, Sakura. Felicia, you're with me, come over here. You may begin with self defense," Monika orders as everyone scurries to get next to their partner.

"It's Feli," I mutter quietly.

"Huh?" The German beauty questions curiously, raising an eyebrow delicately.

"You can call me Feli," I restate, locking eye-contact with her. She seems surprised for a moment before directing a gentle smile in my direction if only for a moment until it slacks and her expression returns to an emotionless one.

"Let's begin, Feli," tossing her jacket onto the ground, just a few feet away, she directs my attention back to her form. "Get into an fighting stance."

I'm not quite sure what she meant by that, so I proceed to stare at her, obviously confused. When she realizes just how ignorant I am, she face palms and walks over, positioning herself behind me. Her strong, muscular arms wrap around my own and I can't help but blush. Monika's arms proceed to guide my body into a specific position, her right arm resting on my hip and her left on my left, fitted, palm. She was so close that every time she took a breath, I felt her chest press up against my spine, sending chills up and down my vertebrate. After directing me to a stance she was content with, she stepped back to admire her progress.

"Remember this stance, now jab and cross," I stared at her for five more seconds before she muttered something in German, something along the lines of 'verdammen diese entzuckende italienisch' whatever that meant before teaching me to jab with the opposing hand from the dominant side of my body and then to swing into a cross. It took me a few times but I was successful enough to get Monika to have a ghost of a smile on her face before showing me a few basic kicks, what they're called and how to pull it off.


Collapsing on the refreshing mats, I desperately strip the horrible shirt and uniform jacket from my torso without a hesitation. I was sweating from every pore, even the awkward ones. Monika plops down besides me, concentrated on me in every way possible. I blush, wanting her to look away as I feel the intense gaze burn into my skin.

"Sorry," I apologize for no good reason, shifting around tensely, trying avoid those breathtakingly beautiful blue eyes. They were the bluest eyes I've ever seen, making me feel uncontrollably happy each time they landed on me.

"For what? You've lasted much longer than I thought you would, you are a beginner. Not to mention everyone else has taken at least three rests since we've initially begun, this is your first time, I'm quite intrigued actually," she comments, leaning closer. Her arm brushes against my own and I feel a spark of electricity. Nothing like the actual electricity but rather, a nice shiver that sends chills throughout me in a pleasurable way. I don't know if she felt it either, and I want to ask, but there's no way I'd ruin our relationship. She's no longer annoyed with me and a small smile is always present when I'm around, yet, when she turns to someone else, it becomes a frown immediately. Almost as if she's saving her smile for me and just me.

Damn my raging homosexual hormones!

"Oh, th-thank you," I curse myself mentally for stuttering and turn to her. We lock eye contact and she leans in slightly.

"You've done much better than any beginning cadet. You might even be my most favorite as I don't find you endearing," she compliments, lending me a hand and hoisting me up.

"Oh, thank you, um, where are we going now?" I can't help but ask the dazzling blonde who can affect me so profoundly in the simplest of ways, sending my heart to pound against my chest feverishly.

"Its pretty late, in fact, its time for dinner, excuse me for a second," Monika turns from me to the rest of the partners. Straightening her posture and reverting back to her deathly, calm, composure, she clears her throat quite loudly, causing everyone to swivel around and face her. "Well, its been a long day indeed. I'm quite impressed with your progress but we have to go eat dinner. After Dinner each day, you have the right to shower, hang around, and do whatever you please for an hour before your curfew in which you must return to your cabin and be in bed by 9 o' clock. Do I make myself clear?" A few nods follow and she continues. "Alright, follow me, we're going to the pavilion."

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