I Can Be Sweet

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Felicia's P.O.V

Monika warned me that today would be an extra lengthy day so I got up extra early, just so I could enjoy the showers a bit longer and remember the feeling of being clean. I felt a strange feeling in the pit of my stomach as I trudged to the showering rooms, a complete hour before anyone would wake up or sound a siren, but I decided to ignore whatever it was and shake it off. Humming the tune of one of my favorite songs, I begin to strip off all of my clothing, leaving it all secured in the shared locker I had with Sakura and Lumi.

We were still the best of friends, no reason to break away. Besides they were my first friends, I can't just leave them. It wouldn't be fair, they were there for me and I was there for them. Swiftly pinning my hair up, I step onto the showering tiles, happily racing over to the largest facet. I finally get to shower under the one that could fit at least three people, that meant my back wouldn't be frozen while I washed my front side, and vice versa.

A sudden yelp was ripped out of me as a pair of warm hands gently grope me from behind, my fear diminishes as a familiar chuckle echos throughout the washroom, a new wave of embarrassment following. "Look how big these are, I just wanna squeeze them and lick them until you're moaning and begging for more!~" Monika claims, nuzzling her nose into the crook of my neck affectionately.

"You almost gave me a heart attack! What are you doing here?" Giggling as she turns me around and plants a sweet kiss on my forehead, I have to wonder how she caught me.

"I wake up every morning around this time, when I saw you sneaking off, I thought 'follow my lover or track her down later' and I couldn't help but put two and two together. You're so vulnerable like this, I love it!" My heart swells as she smiles brightly at me, her arms wrapping around my waist and pulling me into her embrace. Normally, I would've been a stuttering mess but we were showering and I knew she wouldn't pull anything. The farthest she allows herself to go is leave trails of hickories and love bites up and down my neck and collarbone. But, if she keeps rubbing her naked body against my own, I'll pounce her!

"Is that so? Oh Monika! I had the best dream last night! And do me a favor, please, scrub my back for me?" I ask gently, turning my back to her with big, pleading eyes. Even if she were to disagree, it wouldn't matter, because she had complied immediately.

"Oh? And what did you dream about Feli?" her soft voice sending goosebumps throughout the surface of my skin.

"I dreamt that next Summer, instead of camp, you came to Italy and we spent the whole Summer together! Going on dates, staying together, and even sleeping together," she stopped and turned me around, raising an eyebrow elegantly. Realizing how it could've come off as something else, I blush and shake my head violently. "Wait! Not like that! J-just c-cuddling! I swear!" Monika smirks before pulling me closer to lean her forehead against my own.

"It's okay Feli, I like that dream... I want to live it with you. Is Italy beautiful? Do you think your family would accept us?" Her velvet voice cracked as she began to mention my family and I couldn't help the gentle smile that adorned my features in return.

"Don't worry, my grandmother is very kind and accepting, trust me, she'll love you! That's a guarantee! Besides, she and Lovi are all I have, you only need their blessings. Don't tell her I told you this, but even though she acts completely impossible, she's already accepted you. If she didn't, you wouldn't be able to get within a mile of my radius, and in case you haven't noticed... we're the closest we can get," Monika's stressed expression dispersed into one of joy before becoming sly.

"... Oh, I know how we could get closer! But, Feli, I love you. I really do. I mean, we've barely known each other for longer than three weeks but I don't think time matters because this feels right. I feel different around you, I practically hate anybody and everybody who isn't my family and if they aren't family, then I must have to have known them for longer than a year. I'm cut off from the world and I had come to accept it until you came along and practically bombed the four grey walls that surrounded my heart ruthlessly. I feel a spark between us, I'd give you the world," Monika confesses, nuzzling into my arms, granted she had to lean down excessively but it didn't take away romance from the heart warming moment.

"I feel the same way Monika, though I'm kind of a polar opposite compared to you. I like to wear my heart on my sleeve, and I enjoy the world. Because without it, we probably wouldn't have met!" Smiling sweetly, she turns the facet off and leads me back to the lockers, never once letting go of my waist. We dry off and get dressed for the challenging day ahead of us, luckily, as the rest of the cadets begin to file in. Consequently, they all glanced over at us curiously, well, all except for a cheekily sly Sakura who was mouthing the words 'get some!" to me.

And from there, Monika and I ran out to the pavilion, awaiting their arrivals. Through it all, Monika's hand stayed firmly planted on my own, rooting me to reality and calming my anxiety. We had wanted to keep our relationship a secret but it seems some close friends might be catching on. "Hey, it'll be alright just don't think about it. I'll see you for the mission," and after placing a sweet kiss on my lips, she stands and waits by the middle of the room for her morning announcement, sending loving glances in my direction every five seconds. Could she make me fall in love any harder?

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