"Oh shit"

"What?" I stared at James. 

"Blane. They don't know" He slapped his forehead.



The next day the clans arrived, i had never seen this many hunters in one place aside from the rituals that used to be held, i shivered at the thought of them now. The word barbaric came to mind.

"Everyone's getting settled into their rooms, i kept girls and boys separate. Girls in the west wing and boys in the eastern wing" Mayra was almost glowing with pride as she spoke. When the task of planning rooms was put to the table Mayra jumped at the opportunity. Why? I still do not know.

"Okay, i had to shuffle around the usual residents also. So the twins are now sharing with your brother" I stiffled a laugh when May told me that, i couldn't imagine Mason sharing a room for god knows how long with Max and Hayden.

"Okay, who else was changed around?" i asked May

"Well we needed room for weapons and such so the twins had to move out  and um also James had to move out of his room" She was looking at me with a hint of nervousness.

"Okay.." I said, urging her to go on.

"And..well we don't really have any rooms in the boys wing left and the girls wing is not having a boy in it, never mind a vampire soo i was wondering if you could possibly.." she trailed off but i knew what she was getting to.

"You want me to share with James? I thought i had Blane in my room?" I said the end quietly, afraid that someone would overhear.

"Well no, he's in a room by himself in the southern wing along with our rooms because of the whole 'they don't know he's alive thing" I sighed, i needed to tell the clans about him but i had no idea how.

I sighed, "Yes alright, fine, whatever" Mayra beamed at me.

"Thanks heaps!" She then bounced off to direct some of the other clan members to their rooms.

I sighed again and walked up the stairs to my room, already some of James bags were already piled next to the door. I slammed the door closed and sat at my window seat, i don't know how long i sat there for but by the time i had snapped out of it it was going dark. I turned my head towards my door, listening with my heightened hearing to the hunters chatting at what we call the 'cross roads' a few meters down the hall. Where the East, west and southern wings meet at the main staircase.

A twig snapping in the tree across from my window made my head turn back fast. a dark shape stood in the branches opposite me.

"Hey Violet Lemme in!" I sighed and leaned over, unlocking the small golden lash and pushing the Windows out. Blane effortlessly jumped from the branch onto the window seat. 'bet i could do it even better' the smug part of me thought.

"And the door wasn't an option?" I asked.

"Well i wasn't sure if any of the hunters would be around in the wing and i didn't really wanna risk it cause i didn't think you had told them yet. Plus my new room is 4 windows away"

"Well for the record none of the hunters are allowed in the southern wing so were safe and how'd you make it here?"

"Yeah just don't ask" Blane replied standing up walking around.

I had forgotten what Blane was like as i watched him walk around my room, he'd been in here before but now, the way he walks, the way he moves. I missed this, the little things i never noticed before. but now, they're all i notice.

In the dead of DarknessWhere stories live. Discover now