A Breath of Fresh Air

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He hadn't changed at all in over ten years. He still had that same school-boyish grin, and that muscular frame that all boys envied during gym classes. Another amazing thing that I noticed as my car came to a halt in front of him, was that the many years that had gone by, they hadn't taken their toll on him. He was as youthful and athletic as ever. I got out of my car locking it after I got my bag. Then I stumbled my way over to him. I pulled him into an affectionate hug and sighed. It was good to be home.

"I came as soon as I could. How is she Pete?" I asked surveying my friend's face anxiously. He sighed and all of a sudden, all of his youthfulness and joy disappeared, evaporating into thin air, leaving sorrow and anxiety behind. He looked around, to observe our surroundings, as if thinking, how to say the inevitable truth. I knew his answer even before the words escaped his lips; but all the same I prayed and hoped that I would be wrong.

"Well, the doctors aren't really saying anything." He began. "But Beth and I know exactly what the doctors would say if they could. So we haven't pressed the matter. Plus the obvious signs tell us how long she has to..." he continued but trailed off as tears welled up in his big blue eyes, threatening to overflow. I squeezed his hand reassuringly.

"Don't worry Pete. Beth is a strong woman and we both know that. Heck the three of us have been best friends since third grade. Just remember Pete, now is the is the time for us to show Beth a good time so that she has some good memories of her life here in Falcon Valley." I replied unable to believe what I was saying. Pete merely nodded as he replied.

"Thank you Jenny. Thank you for coming after all this time and after all the pain when Beth and I both needed you." Pete replied slowly looking at me with much intensity in his gaze, it reminded me of a few bitter sweet memories. Certain events that took place ten years ago, shortly before I decided to leave Falcon Valley.

I sighed as I crumpled down on the well-manicured lawn beside Pete. I watched as the setting sun cast it's colours of red, black, orange and yellow all over the vast sky. It was a day, very much similar to this, that I decided in a fit of anger, disappointment and hurt that it was time to leave Falcon Valley. Recalling the incident that preceding my departure, made me very emotional, but that was not so today. Today I looked upon it as a blessing disguise, a breath of fresh air. A way that showed me that to find myself I had to leave and find life "Out there". I remembered how Pete and Beth had come home to visit me, and the confused, worried and unsure looks on their faces, as I joyfully opened the door for them. They sat me down and told me they had something to tell me. As usual I sat beside Pete, whom I was dating at that time.

"Jen." Beth had begun."We know this won't be easy for you, but I can't live without you knowing. We can't live knowing that you don't know. She continued as tears rolled down her cheek. My face changed from blissful joy to understanding. Before Pete could continue I put my hand up for silence.

"How long?" I had asked, my voice quivering; trembling with anger. I felt Beth's woeful eyes boring into my back, but I didn't turn around.

"A month." Came the reply. I jumped up from my seat and paced around the room as Beth and Pete looked at me with worried expressions.

"Why?? I am your best friend Beth. And you Pete, you were my boyfriend and first and foremost my best friend. How could you??" I asked as I stuttered and stammered my way through my tears.

"Jen, I don't know....it just happened." Beth answered as tears streamed down her face too. Pete at that time wore an expression that at the time was unreadable.

"Well." I said sniffing. "Go ahead, it doesn't matter. Don't worry about any awkwardness between the three of us.....coz' I'm leaving town anyway." I said as I dried my tears. Pete looked up surprised, after snapping out of his daze.

"W-What?" Where...." he began stammering through his words.

"It doesn't matter. Please leave....I need to pack!." I snapped back. Beth looked at me, straight into my eyes with a pleading look in her eyes. I turned away only to hear shuffling if feet and the closing of the door. When I turned around, they were gone.

Two days later, I was off, driving in my blue convertible whilst listening to loud Bon Jovi music with my mother. We were going to see my Aunt Louise. My mother would return by train and I would stay on and work in my aunt's little shop.....a quaint coffee shop that attracted many in her town. I was eighteen at the time, young with a restless soul, and therefore I longed for more. Three years later I took over the shop from my sick aunt who was seventy-five! I worked there and visited my mom every Christmas.....but I totally avoided Beth and Pete. From local gossip mongers, my mom told me that they got married and that Beth was expecting. In my heart I felt thrilled...Beth had always wanted children. But I didn't show my excitement on the outside. I pretended I did not care and walked around with an air of indifference, getting by every Christmas the same way. Until a week ago, when I got a call from my mother. I presumed it was the same "Come home for Christmas honey." call. But I couldn't have been more wrong. It was my mother, but then she handed the phone to someone else......Pete! I was shocked, angry and upset all at once; my own mother!

"Jen came the firm but worried voice. "Beth is really sick, come very bad tumour in the brain...." he continued but the rest of his words, I didn't hear. I was lost in thought........so completely dreading what he had just said. Praying there was some way he could take it back. I sighed as he went on and on about how serious her condition was and that she was deteriorating quickly. My heart lurched as I finally found my voice to speak.

"Pete." I interrupted "I'll be there." And that was all I needed to say to reassure my best friend. He sighed and murmured a silent thank you. With that, I packed everything I had, sold my apartment and asked a friend to take over the cafe. Taking all my luggage and money and myself, I drove the full seven-hour drive straight back to Falcon valley.......back to my home. I raced straight home, got their address and then drove like a maniac all the way to Pete's house. And it was there that all was forgotten! With that one hug, Pete knew that he was forgiven. Beth and Pete had been my bestfriends way before the whole love triangle had been set up. Together we walked inside the house and over to Beth's room. On seeing my face she burst into tears.

"H-How did you know?" she choked through her tears. I smiled and pointed to Pete. She laughed and nodded, as though it were understandable why and how Pete had called me.

We hugged and she cried some more, apologizing over and over again, for something that was done so many years ago. It was best left in the past....I had finally learned that.

"Beth, where are the kids?" I asked. Then Pete explained that she couldn't have them.....and I understood why. Sympathy washed over me, engulfing my being with annoyance, that I had so little time left with Beth, and then happiness that at least we were friends again. Beth smiled happily.

"Thank you Jenny. You've made my day, and my life a very happy and blessed one. Both of you!" she cried after sometime. I patted her cheek and bade to rest, pushing Pete out of the room. Later that night I peeked into the room to see Pete holding Beth's hands and whispering to her......she smiled from time to time. They hadn't changed, not now, not ever. Time would never ravage them or the people they loved. Even though it had been nearly ten years since I saw them last, they were still the same loving people they used to be. It was truly wonderful to be home......my home.

A Voice Unheard- Part I: ProseOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora