Over the Line

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Mind over Matter. That's a statement as powerful as so many others. Limitations and all, it can still work majority of the time. You can will yourself to do quite a number of things. You can will yourself to survive the greatest of odds.

When you yourself are the cause of those odds and when your own body becomes the source of great hindrance, only you yourself can overcome it. There is no one else apart from yourself who can know and understand your situation as well. The healing can only come from within. It can come only from the immense reserves of energy locked in your soul. All the answers are within you. All the solutions to your problems and all the clarity to your doubts. Only you can illuminate the darkest corners of your mind with reason and compassion.

It starts with forgiveness. Forgive yourself for ever thinking of yourself as a liability or as weaker than others. Forgive yourself for wishing you could be somebody else. Just forgive yourself for all those horrible things you thought or said about yourself. And let's face facts; we've all had such negative ideas festering in our minds. We've all believed at some point or the other that we are not as good as "normal people".

Forgiveness of your thoughts is an important step in the healing process. As Margaret Thatcher said - "Watch your thoughts for they become your words. Watch your words for they become your actions. Watch your actions for they become habits. Watch your habits for they become your character. And watch your character for it becomes your destiny. What we think, we become." I am in complete agreement with her on this one idea. The idea that there is something in your control - your attitude to life - appeals to me immensely. In a world with so many variables and ever changing circumstances all we have in our control is ourselves.

Through forgiveness comes acceptance. And through acceptance comes peace of mind. Peace of mind generates good thoughts which further generates good energy around you. Good energy is what will heal. The good energy will help in motivating you and pushing you forward to your goals. It's a beautiful step - by - step process. A process that is very individual and very personal. Each person will have a different journey to reach each step. The way to reach this peace of mind is within you, as are all other things.

It is all within you. I finally understand the lyrics to Mariah Carey's song "HERO". Only you can be your own hero. Only you can save yourself from yourself. Only you can push yourself over the line.

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