Human Game

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The Human Game

At some point you've got to ask yourself what you really want. If you don't life and people will overtake you. You'll lose your voice after which you'll lose your ability to dream and think unfettered. That's the real tragedy because your dreams and thoughts are the only way for your soul to speak.

Someone else will forever be living in your head, telling you how to lead your life and constantly chipping away at your unique personality.

Once you lose that, you become another human robot roaming the earth, constantly searching for the meaning of life. And that's when you have lost yourself.

This is the Human Game. The game of life is to be able to hold on to yourself in an interfering opinionated world, in a manner that prevents you from becoming tyrannical, selfish, self - absorbed or jaded.

That human game is the challenge to hold your own and not lose hope.

A Voice Unheard- Part I: ProseOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora