The Energies Around Us

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I've been reading a lot about negative energy.... well energy as such. Here's a summation of everything I've read thus far:

Your thoughts are not just your own, they are privy to the whole universe. When you want something (when you think about it) so much, the whole universe conspires for you to get that something. Life is an echo and whatever you put out there comes back to you, good and bad. The negative energy from your surroundings often impacts you in ways that you cannot even fathom or believe could impact you. So it is better to rid yourself of the negative elements in your life and be with people who are like minded. In addition to this, if you read books like SECRET and MAGIC, there is a lot of material on how you must think only positive thoughts. Much is said about how good your life would be if you spent the energy you used up for all your fears on your dreams and goals. There are pages and pages on how if you are thankful for what you have you shall receive more. So many people have been healed by these books and the words have really made a positive impact on them.

I wonder though.... what happens to the concept of negative energy if we are all positive all the time? Then there would be no such thing as "positive energy". There would just be.... energy. Another question that has repeatedly gone in and out of my mind is, how do you deal with those fears and insecurities that end up becoming reality because of all the energy you put into them whilst thinking of them over and over again? How do you "be positive"? How do you ensure that you do not succumb to your fears by making them a reality? And how do you stem the flow of those negative thoughts and nagging worries in the back of your mind when they start their unrelenting stream? How do you suddenly become positive?

These are the questions that books don't answer well enough (at least that's how I feel). I read this line somewhere online said by a person named Willie Scott ( (I have no clue who he is), which kind of explained to me what I should bank on whenever I am in need of a change in tracks from a negative one:

"Positive feelings come from being honest about yourself and accepting your personality, and physical characteristics, warts and all; and, from belonging to a family that accepts you without question."

I'd say that it would take a great amount of mind control and single minded focus when it comes to shutting out those worrisome thoughts.....I think the solution lies in the active conscious participation of your mental faculties. You need to have a full on war against any kind of negative feeling that flows through your body and mind. A proper assault should be waged to divert your thoughts. Your conscious needs to be the FILTER that actively jettisons the negativity. I could compare it to Harry Potter (yes I AM most definitely a POTTERHEAD) learning to deal with Dementors. Think of the negative thoughts as the dementors and you as Harry (Woohoo!). Now all you need is a spell like the Patronus Charm that Harry used to get rid of the dementors, to get rid of your negative thoughts. I think keeping a set of happy thoughts ready to be unleashed in case any negative thoughts come knocking. If they do come, you end up diverting your attention from the negative to something lighter and happier and more positive.

I truly hope all what I have read about the role of energies in life is true and what's more is that I hope that the practical applications of whatever I have learnt is of some use. Harnessing these energies is important, and keeping negativisms at bay is the hardest part. It is challenges like these that keep life interesting. The nexus between our thoughts and our actions becomes very clear if you read something His Holiness the Dalai Lama once said: "In order to carry a positive action we must develop here a positive vision." So if you think positive, your harness positive energies, and if you harness positive energies, you do good things. If you do good things, good things will come to you. It's a cycle (karma).

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