People Today: Social Stagnation?

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People in this world have become vindictive and extremely selfish. So many of us are so lacking in basic empathy. It seems as though we have lost our ability to feel and understand and show compassion. I mean I have actually heard one person say "She is suffering and she deserves it! She must have bad karma. Good. Let her suffer, that way it will cleanse her soul and she'll have a better life in the next life. She must have committed something bad in one of her previous lives!"

Is this what the world has been reduced to? Winning at the cost of another? Putting another man down and breaking his or her spirit? It hardly makes sense to me, when most of say things like "Oh nobody explained these things to me. I just learnt on my own. So why should we teach another person these things or help them understand it when no one did the same for us?" WHAT is this tit-for-tat nonsense? It hardly makes any sense to me!

Shouldn't your life experiences teach you to be better, and what you to prevent another person going through the same pain as you? The word "love" is bandied about so thoughtlessly these days. It means less than nothing today, which to me is a crime of the highest order. There is so little love in this world. So little understanding and so little GENUINE ACCEPTANCE. It is terrible. Sometimes I think that with all the technological advancements and scientific advancements we haven't really bettered ourselves. Materially yes, but spiritually, socially and humanely have we? Really? We have succumbed to social stagnation and have stymied our growth exponentially in these aspects.

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