December 25th, 2015

134 7 0

Chapter 47

"I'm nervous," she stated, looking at all of our wrapped gifts in each other's laps. It was Christmas and we were exchanging gifts.


"Because I'm not sure you'll like your presents. It stresses me out."

"I'm sure I'll love them. And even if I don't, I'll just pretend," I assured her, winking at her afterwards. She rolled her eyes. "Do you want to open yours first, or do you want me to open mine, first?"

"Open yours first. I think I may die of stress otherwise."

"Alright," I chuckled, and began tearing at the wrapping paper on the first gift. It was a hard, square item, which seemed to be some sort of metal or glass.

When it finally revealed itself, I learned that it was a picture frame. Inside it held the very first picture Gardenia and I had ever taken together, officially. Not the very, very first, but the one we had taken with my iPhone. We were laying in my bed, both cheesing at the camera, looking happy as ever. I smiled at the irony, knowing I had gotten her a very similar gift.

"This is awesome. I love it, thank you," I grinned, carefully setting it to the side.

I moved on to my next present, unwrapping it slowly, and chuckling as I pulled out a Michigan State sweatshirt. Another ironic gift, considering what I had purchased for her. We thought very much alike.

The third present was quite small, and it felt like paper. I opened it up, seeing an envelope.

"Before you open the envelope, just know that it's a request. By no means, do you have to accept it, but I would love it if you did. But you don't have to."

I nodded, tearing open the envelope gently, so I didn't ruin it, and peering inside. There were leasing papers, to an apartment in Lansing, which is where MSU is at.

"What is this?"

"An apartment I bought. I'm going to be living in it regardless, since I'm not a big fan of living with strangers. But I wanted to know if you would like to move in with me? Obviously, it's a big step, but we already practically live with one another anyways. And of course, you don't have to move in with me. Just if you want to. I'll be living there either way, so."

I looked up at her, trying to gauge whether or not she was serious.

"You're serious, right?" I questioned, and she slowly nodded. "Yeah, of course I'll move in with you. I can help pay for rent, too."

She shook her head, "No, no, no, I've got the rent. Like I said, I'd be living there anyways, but I'd prefer to live there with you. It's a gift, you're not paying rent."

"I'm paying part of the rent, Gardenia. I don't care how often you argue, I'm not going to sit around and live with you for free."

"But I want you to, that's the whole point of the gift, Harry."

"Let's just not argue about it now, yeah? It's Christmas."

"Okay," she nodded in agreement. "Open up your next present."

So, I did. And inside was a kettle.

"I know how much you love your tea, and you always complain about how weak bags are compared to the real thing, so I thought you'd like that."

"No, I do. I love it, thanks."

I grabbed for the last present, tearing the paper off softly, and gasping at what I found.

"Gardenia, this is too much."

"No, it's not, honestly. I know how you've been eyeing it."

"Yes, from afar. It's ridiculous to spend this much on a watch"

"But you love it, so I don't care."

There was this watch at the mall, that I always look at whenever I go there. It costs an arm and a leg, and I never imagined owning it.

"Well, shit, you make my presents look terrible."

"I'll love your presents, Harry."

And then she began opening hers.

The irony began, when she opened up a picture frame, holding the actual very first picture we took. The original copy of her and I riding the camel at the zoo, the day she officially graduated from high school.

"I can't believe you still have this. Oh my gosh, Harry, this was so long ago."

"I know. I thought it'd only be fair if we both have it, since it's just such a brilliant picture of us. Especially with my eyes closed."

"It's perfect. Thank you."

She opened the next present: an MSU crewneck sweatshirt, very similar to mine but without the hood and drawstring.

"Harry, we think way too much alike. Please tell me you didn't get me an apartment, too?"

"If I had known you were ready to move in with me, I would have," I chuckled, "But no. That's the last of the coincidences."

She opened the third present. It was the very same pink jacket that I had picked out for Gardenia when we first went shopping together. I had to do lots of searching online to find the damn thing, but it was worth it when I saw the grin on her face.

"Oh my gosh, is this the same one?" She questioned, and I nodded.

"The very one. I had to buy it on eBay, but it's brand new with tags, so."

"That is awesome! I really did love this jacket when you showed it to me, I just wanted to make you mad," she admitted for a second time.

"I know, you truly were the charmer. No wonder I was so persistent."

The last present was left, and this was the one I was most nervous about. It was a small box, and I knew she'd probably think something that it isn't, and I was scared for her reaction, whether it be good or bad. I don't want her to get her hopes up, but I also don't want her to be to be horrified with it, either.

She began unwrapping the small box, and I couldn't read her expression.

"Harry, what is this?" She questioned, and I could tell she was nervous.

"I do want to marry you some day, don't get me wrong, but that's not an engagement ring. I promise. Open it up."

She did so, and gasped. Inside, was a delicate ring. It was dainty, with a tiny diamond heart in the center.

"That's a promise ring, which I know, is cheesy as hell, but I wanted you to have one. I want you to know, that no matter what happens between us, whether we fight, and you leave, and we don't talk for a few weeks, or if we fight, and I ignore you; no matter what, I plan on marrying you one day. I will always love you unconditionally, for who you are," I explained to her. "Now look on the inside," I encouraged, and she did so.

She covered her mouth, as tears streamed down her face. Happy tears, I hope. She slid it on her finger, the same finger that the gardenia ring I had purchased for her what felt like ages ago, still sat.

"I love you, Harry."

I grinned as she leapt up to hug me. I squeezed her tight in my arms.

"But do you like, love me, love me?" I asked her, smirk adorning my mouth.

She giggled, tear streaks on her face before looking into my eyes and saying the words that I had imprinted on the inside of the ring.

"I love you, love you."

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