March 18th 2015

258 11 0

Chapter 4

I could see her from my window. She was laying in the middle of the grass in her yard, right next to the fence that kept the cows. I had half a mind to go over there and talk to her, but to be honest, I was nervous to.

Now normally, I don't find myself nervous around women. It's quite easy for me to flirt, or talk to girls, but something about this girl scared me. Maybe the fact that even if I were to turn up my charm, she wouldn't care. She's not the type of girl to be affected by boys, she was the girl that affected boys. And that's exactly my issue. She affected me in a way nobody has before, and she hasn't even been all that nice to me. But I still find myself spying on her as she read a book in her yard.

She's laying on her back, her left leg crossed over on top of her knee and she held the book up in front of her face. It amazed me that I still didn't even know her name. I found myself wondering what it was. It couldn't be something common, such as Lauren or Jennifer. It had to be something unique, or exotic, as she is.

"Go talk to her, you weirdo," My mum stated, as she apparently noticed me creepily staring out the window.

I shook my head, "I have before. It's not that easy."

My mum glanced out the window at her, "She seemed nice enough at the store. I'm sure she won't mind."

I scoffed, knowing that definitely wouldn't be the case. Regardless, I found myself opening the front door and walking toward her. She didn't notice me come up until my shadow blocked her sunlight.

"Okay, you are seriously creeping me out now. How do you know where I live?" She shrieked, sitting up on her elbows as she squinted up at me.

"I live there," I stated, pointing across the street. She looked where I was pointing and sighed.

"Mrs. Dansby finally hit the dust, then?" She commented to herself and my eyes widened.

"You mean she died?" I asked, looking toward my new house once again.

She shrugged, "I mean she's like eighty something. I highly doubt she moved away from the house she lived in since she got married."

"You don't think she died in-"

"That's exactly what I think," She smirked up at me, and I was kind of freaked out at that point, but then I heard her laugh.

"I'm just kidding. She moved to an old person's home in town, since she couldn't get around by herself anymore. Nobody died in that house. Unless you count her husband, I guess. I think he had a heart attack, but he didn't die until he was in the hospital, three days later. So you're good."

"You're kind of morbid," I commented, sitting down next to her.

"And you're kind of annoying, but," she said, and then shrugged.

"What are you reading today?" I asked, noticing a different cover. It looked like Harry Potter, but I wasn't sure.

"Harry Potter," she answered, sounding extremely bored.

Regardless, I tried to keep the conversation going, "Yeah? Which one?"

"The first," she simply stated, returning to the book.

"You know, my name's Harry," I said the first thing that came to my mind, and kind of regretted it after realizing how stupid it sounded.

"Cool. It must be a popular name in England then." She couldn't have sounded more uninterested if she had tried.

But she was correct, since I grew up with about ten other Harry's in my class.

"Yeah. What's yours?"

She looked up from her book for a moment, scanning my face. For what, I wasn't sure.

"Rose," she answered, and I smiled to myself in victory when her name was just as special as she seemed to be. I didn't know of a single other girl named Rose.

"That's a pretty name," I commented, looking to the front of her farmhouse and noticing a bunch of flowers surrounding it. I didn't spot a single rose, though.

"Yeah, my mom's a flower fanatic," she responded, noticing my gaze. "There's no roses because my mom hates me."

I scrunched my eyebrows over at her, concerned that she was so easy to say that. "I'm sure that's not true."

"It is. Anyway, could you go back to your house now? I'm trying to read here and you keep interrupting me."

"Right, sorry," I answered, standing myself up, before looking down at her.

After a few moments, she huffed, looking up from her book. "Yes?"

"Do you, do you maybe wanna go do something later?"

"Nope," She responded, looking back at her book as if I just asked her if she knew what time it was.

"Oh. Okay, then. See ya," I said, doing an awkward wave before walking away.

She didn't respond, and when I looked back at her, she was gone.

FLOWER /h.s/Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora