April 11th 2015

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Chapter 9

I wanted to get Gardenia a gift. I had to admit, it was somewhat strange thinking of her as a Gardenia. The name fit her, as I mentioned, but I was so used to calling her Rose, that everything else seemed wrong. But I wanted to call her by her real name, as she deserves.

Anyways, I wanted to get her a gift. She had told me that her birthday was the 20th, and that her mother hasn't gotten her a present since she was ten. I didn't find that fair, and so I wanted to get her something.

The problem was, what could I get her? All I really knew about her was her liking of black and white clothing and leather jackets. I also knew she liked poppies and gardenias, but she already has a million and one of those in her greenhouse. Getting her one of those wouldn't be anything special.

I could get her another leather jacket, but again, she already has two that I know of. Who knows how many other ones she has? Plus, I know nothing about women's fashion.

So I was scrolling on my laptop, trying to find inspiration of what I could get her.

She liked Bath and Body Works, but she only got one candle, and I didn't know what other kinds of scents she'd like. The one candle she got was gardenia. Upon further inspection, I learned that the store had a line of gardenia things.

There was a perfume, a body spray (what's the difference?), lotion, shower gel, and hand sanitizer. I added them all to my cart, purchasing them.

I then had an idea. I could make a bouquet of gardenia themed things. That would be kind of unique, right? Plus she likes gardenias. She said they were one of her two favorite flowers.

I found a flower pot, that was covered in black leather on the outside, and thought it would be perfect to hold everything, so I purchased that. This was getting a bit pricey, and I was easily spending the last of my bank account on it, but I found myself not really caring. I just wanted to get a smile from her, and hopefully this would do that.

I found a website, called Etsy, and began scrolling through things that were gardenia themed. There was a coffee cup, with a gardenia on it, that you could have customized. I typed 'Gardenia Rose' in, and added it to my cart. I looked at my bank account again, adding the money I spent vs what I had, and seeing what else I could afford.

And that's when I found the perfect thing. It was a small, silver ring, with a gardenia flower at the top. I wasn't positive if she even wore jewelry, having not seen any on her in the small amount of time I've known her. But all women like jewelry, right? So I put it in my cart, without even thinking. It was an adjustable one, so I didn't have to worry about it fitting her.

That was the last of my bank account, so I checked out, putting my new address in, and waiting for the confirmation email.

Now I definitely needed a job, since I'm completely out of spending money.

Now here's hoping that she actually likes all of it.

"Hi honey," my mum stated, walking in.

"Hey," I answered. "Can I take the car to town? I think I'm gonna go look for a job."

"Of course. That small store is hiring, the one that girl works at. The pay isn't great, but I think it'd be alright for you."

I nodded, "Yeah, that seems kind of perfect actually. Thanks."

I kissed her cheek, before leaving and driving into town. I probably could have walked, but I didn't really feel like it.

I walked into the store, noticing her behind the register, reading Harry Potter.

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