August 24th, 2015

161 4 0

Chapter 43

"I really am sorry," Gardenia spoke up from beside me, playing with the cross necklace I had around my neck. My arm was wrapped around her, and although it was hot, and we were definitely both sweating, I didn't mind it.

"'s okay," I answered, kissing her hair, and I relaxed at the feeling of her nails tickling my bare stomach.

"It isn't okay, I know it isn't. I was terrible to you, and I'm sorry."

I sighed, my hands rubbing up and down on her arms, trying to soothe her.

"I'm not going to disagree, because it fucking hurt for you to accuse me of the things you did, and it isn't okay. You need to give me a chance to explain things before you just break up with me and take off." I didn't want to make her feel bad, but I needed her to learn her lesson, or who knows where the hell we'll be in a few months time.

"You're absolutely right, Harry. And I get it now, I do. I was just so angry that you went behind my back, and then I felt bad for overreacting and I didn't know how to talk to you."

"You can always talk to me. It doesn't matter what ever happens, you can always talk to me about anything."

"I know, I was just scared. And ashamed. It's so hard, you know? Having the most perfect boyfriend, while I just keep fucking everything up. I'm not good enough for you, Harry."

I sat up, looking at her. I was astonished that those words had just left her mouth.

"Not good enough? Tell me you're joking, please. You can't possibly mean that."

"It's true. I'm short tempered, and I jump to conclusions, without even thinking rationally about them. I just don't understand why you're even with me. How could it possibly be worth it?"

"Hey, enough of that. Do you really need me to sit here and explain all of the things I love about you?" I questioned, not understanding how she could ever think she's not worth it. How does she not see everything I see?

"No, not really. I just, I think about how this all came to be, and how you were so stubborn, wanting to talk to me and hangout. And I just don't understand why you didn't give up? What was so amazing about me, that made you want to get to know me? I just don't get it."

"You're absolutely remarkable, Gardenia, I don't know how you couldn't see that. You're interesting, and intriguing, and it's not even a front that you put up. That's genuinely who you are. And that's another thing, you're you, even if others don't like it. I love that about you. And how you appear tough, well not really appear, because you are tough, but you're actually pretty soft deep down there, and I love that you show me that side of you. I love that I bring out your teddy bear side. And I love that you don't take shit from people, and you defend yourself, but you do it in a nice way. Like with Isabel. And the fact that you have dreams and ambitions, that's unbelievably sexy, Gardenia. And you've inspired me to have the same. Without you, I'd still be living life aimlessly with no plans for my future. And-"

"As romantic and sweet as this is, I'm pretty sure I just heard a car door, meaning my mom is home."

"Well, fuck, I didn't even get to finish," I huffed, standing up and locating my clothes.

"Was that a fake orgasm, then?" Gardenia questioned with a smirk, and I chuckled, pulling my shirt over my head and trying to fix my hair.

"You know what I meant. I'll have to let you know everything else I love about you later, yeah?"

Instead of replying, she grabbed the back of my neck and pulled me down, my mouth meeting hers immediately. She pulled away, bending down to retrieve her own clothes, and quickly putting them on.

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