April 4th 2015

232 8 2

Chapter 7

That day with Rose seemed to be a fluke, because she's back to her rude self again. I went over there the day after we planted the poppies, and she was pissed at me because her mum found the  poppies earlier than anticipated, and now she's grounded. Her mum took her motorcycle away. I told her just to walk wherever she needs to go. She looked at me as though I told her I invented Apple.

I went over the day after that as well, as she was reading in her lawn again. She was on the third Harry Potter book, and I found it remarkable that she finished the first two so quickly. It took me ages to even read the first one, and by that time, I quit. But here she was, almost halfway through the series already.

I barely said hi, before she told me to go away. I, of course, persisted, because I thought maybe, just maybe, she enjoyed my company.

"You're so fucking annoying and you just don't know when to quit! When will you understand that I don't want to be around you? I don't want to be your friend, or whatever the hell you're trying to achieve here, so just do me a favor, and leave me alone. Stop coming over here!"

Those were her exact words, and they didn't feel too great. But she got what she wanted, because as soon as I heard them, I stood there for maybe four seconds, in shock, before I turned around and went back into my house. I didn't look back.

It's been a week since then, and I haven't bothered her. It was a hopeless cause. She obviously isn't somebody who wants to make a friend, and I wasn't sure why I'd even bothered in the first place.

"Hey mum, I'm taking the car. Is that okay?" I asked her, and I heard her yell, "That's fine, drive safe!" From her bedroom.

Today was her only day off in the week, so I had the car to myself all day. It was only noon, and I decided to go to the closest mall. It's called 'The Meridian Mall', and although I had little to no money, I thought it'd be something to do.

I left, getting into my car. I noticed Rose once again, laying in her lawn. This time she had a pad and paper, and was writing something down. She had a text book next to her, so I assumed it was school work. I knew I shouldn't try talking to her, but I was persistent and stubborn, and I'm not gonna lie, I liked her, so I pulled the car next to her in the street, and rolled the window down.

"Can't you take a fucking hint?" She huffed, looking up from her book. I ignored her tone, remembering how she acted with me a week and a half ago. She has to like me at least a little bit, no matter how much she tried to deny it.

"Not really, no," I answered. "You want to go somewhere?"

"Nope, I'm grounded," she answered, writing something else down.

"Oh, c'mon. I've seen you flip your mum off before. You don't mean to tell me that when you're grounded, you actually listen? I have a car right here, and I'm trying to look for a mall that I have no idea where it's at. You could be the map."

"There isn't a mall here, you'll have to go to Okemos," she replied, still not looking up at me.

"That's the plan. Only problem is, I don't know where it's at."

"Don't you have a GPS? Or a phone?"

"My phone only works in England, and since this town is in the middle of fucking nowhere, there isn't a phone shop. Which is more incentive for you to come with me, show me where this mall is, and then lead me to a phone shop so I won't have to bother you for directions again."

"I'm sure you'll just find another reason to bother me," she stated, but she closed her text book up, throwing that, the notebook, and the pen underneath a tree. She tied her black sweatshirt around her waist and walked to the passenger side of the car.

FLOWER /h.s/Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ