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+Mystery Shack+

Everyone arrived at the Mystery Shack with Wendy and Soos. Mabel was running back forth with her friends Pacifica, Candy, and Grenda to get all the clothing and supplies done. While Dipper was keeping Bill busy away from them by taking him to the park to hangout then to the arcade at the moment.

"Mable, are these colored contacts okay?" Pacifica asked showing them to her in her hands.

Mabel nodded after sowing the last part of Wendy's dress then inspecting the custom contacts. "Yeah those are great Paz!" She took another look at them and noticed one contact case missing. "Where's the last one?"

"I couldn't get it in the mail. Apparently they emailed me and said they were having trouble making Dipper's custom contacts." She rolled her eyes annoyed by the company. She only payed the price for nine custom contacts since she couldn't get the last one. "Sorry about that Mabel."

"No problem Paz, we can probably work without it." Mabel picked out Pacifica's clothes on the hanger and gave it to her. "Here, go put this on! I'll give everyone their colored contacts." The blond nodded and went to get dressed up for the plan. Mabel rushed to everyone to give them their contacts for their costumes.

+Dipper and Bill+

Bill laughed when they were on their way home, he had a good time hanging out with Dipper at the park and the arcade, somehow all this felt normal to him. He was able to talk to Dipper, have fun, and play games with the teen.

Dipper just smiled as they made their way back to the shack. Hopeful that their plan will get some kind of jump start to Bill's human memories and in a sense get some of his sanity back.

The two made of the shack within a couple of minutes. Grenda and Candy waving for them to come over to them.

"Hey Dipper. Your sister wants you to go inside to dress up. Grenda and I will be watching Bill out here while calling everyone out one at a time." Candy told him and got a nod.

Grenda showed a notebook and pen. "Your Great Uncles are gonna note take after we call them out and he sees them."

The brunet turned to Bill, "Bill, just wait here next to Grenda and Candy. I'm gonna go inside to change into something else."

"Aw can't I come inside too. I rather not want to be an audience to your sister's fashion show, judging from what those two meat sacks said". The dream demon whined.

Dipper shook his head and went inside the shack while BIll sat down on the ground with a pout on his face.

"Alright! For our first appearance we have Mr. Ford Pines!" Grenda announced loudly in her mannish voice. The door of the Mystery Shack opened and. Ford came out looking different because of his clothes and contacts. He wore black slacks, with a grey button up dress shirt. Most of his form was covered by a black over coat and a brown leather satchel hanging on him. His eyes were the light color of soft grains of sand because of the contacts

Bill, who had nothing better to do, decided to fake cheer. That is until he actually looked at the six fingered man. His eyes flashes a slight gold color for a second before going back to normal. He snapped out of is small trance before returning to the situation. Grenda handed Ford the notebook and pen to quickly write down the reaction.

"Now we have his twin brother! Mr. Pines!" Candy shouts with glee. Said man comes out wearing something like a bartender would wear. Black slacks like his twin, white long sleeve button up with his sleeves rolled up, red tie fixed up neat under the collar of his dress shirt, and a black vest. The colored contacts made his eyes seemed to mix with the colors of grey and brown giving it a murky look.

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