The Book

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+Mystery Shack: Living Room+

Dipper and Mabel sat at the table in the living room staring at the leather black book with its yellow triangle symbol on the middle.

"Are you gonna open it or am I going to do it?" Mabel asked her brother because they have done nothing but stare at it for a couple of minutes already.

"I'll open it, it's just that- I don't know, the book is giving me a weird feeling." Dipper said to his sister as he pulled the book closer to him.

Ford and Stan came into the room for their usual show time of The Duchess on Tv. They saw the kids looking a bit hesitant.

"Hey kids, whatcha two doing?" Stan asked them going over to them with his brother.

"It's just this book Dipper found in the library, it's giving us a weird feeling." Mabel told her two Great Uncles looking at them.

Ford looked at Dipper, "Then let's see this book that you two seem weird about."

Dipper pushed the book back in the middle of the table for everyone to see. He could already see his Great Uncles' eyes widen when they saw it.

"What do you think it is Great Uncle Ford?" Mabel asked him.

Ford picked up the book inspecting it over. "I'm not sure Mabel, I can somehow feel that weird feeling you two are getting though."

"I'm getting it too Poindexter." Stan told his twin as he put his hands on the table.

"Great Uncle Ford, do you think that book has to do with Bill?" Dipper asked him, his mind couldn't comprehend what that book could contain. Information to keep Bill contained would be great, but if it had information for Bill's great destruction of the world would be dangerous. Though he can't help but think it was none of those options.

Ford sat at the table and so did Stan. He looked at his family and back at the book sighing. "Maybe Dipper... We have to open it to figure out what it might be about. Just think of the outcomes of what this book might hold of it is about Bill!" He handed it back to Dipper. "You should be the one to open it since you found it."

The brunet took back the book carefully and started unbuckling the belt lock. He opened it up slowly and turned the black pages to reach its first words. "Written by Blair Lux by request of William Rehpic." Dipper read aloud.

"Isn't Rehpic spelled backwards Cipher?" Mabel questioned looking at her family members who agreed.

"This might have been about him when he was human possibly." Stanley suggested as he shrugged his shoulders.

"Could be Stanley, but this book is so well condition. Cipher lived for a very long time you know. I wonder why it looks like this even though it's been pass forever since he became a demon."

Dipper kept reading from the book as his family listened on.

I have written this book many times to write his story of his life. I hope readers will pass down his stories for me so he may liven on.

He flipped a couple of pages to the actual story.

A long time ago I met a young blond magician. He was mysterious, but very well know to the public about his occupation. He did magic shows far and wide across the globe becoming rich as he did so. His name was William Rephic, age 18, youngest well known magician who had top demands for shows from many places. He did many shows by giving everything he's got to make his audience awe at the sight of his performance. Even performing new and dangerous tricks that make you think he would not make it. Cheerful and reckless is what I thought about him as spent more and more time with him. He even had this weird fascination with the color yellow that made me laugh most of the time.

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