Bill's Return

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+Mystery Shack: Early Morning+

Dipper had woken up a bit earlier than usual today. It was probably because of that book that kept him curious. He sat up on his bed and glanced at the book on the nightstand. Hesitantly he picked up the book and decided to look through it again. Every word he read had certain feelings that made him angry, sad, happy...

"Dominic Oak huh?" He says to himself, slowly dragging his finger across his past self's name. The teen flipped through the pages of the book to the back cover. Cursive writing stating the property of the book: William Rehpic. He placed the book on the bed and got up to get ready for today. When he finished, he grabbed the book again, headed down stairs and out the back door to go into the forest.

The brunet followed the memorized path to Bill's statue. He did it earlier this summer like he always did, but now that he had this book in his hands, Dipper just had to go back to Bill to find more answers. "Come on its gotta be around here." He past some bushes to come into a dimly lit clearing. Dipper saw the outline of Bill's half exposed stone physical form still waiting for his hand to be shaken. He walked up to the statue casual and sat down in front of it like he always did. "Hey Bill, or should I call you William?" He asked as he chuckled a bit.

The statue remained unmoved and coved in moss with flowers here and there ever since they defeated Bill. Nothing has really changed since then.

The leather bound book was placed in front of the statue. "I found this book in the library the other day and I was hoping you could give me some answers. I know we defeated you, but I'm not sure if your really dead like how I always keep telling you every time I visit." He stuck his hand to Bill's out stretched hand, "I'm willing to give you a second chance to come back if you do not to hurt anyone or kill them for that matter. You also have to protect us and the town if any danger come our way and answer my questions. In return, you get to keep all your powers and come back to the physical realm." Dipper nodded after think everything through and smiled.

The dimly lit area of Bill's statue was lit up by the sun as it came out.

We'll meet again~

Don't know where. Don't know when~

But I know we'll meet again, some sunny day~

Dipper gripped Bill's out stretched hand and surprisingly the hands were covered in blue flames. He hear the familiar laughter of the demon as he came out of his stone prison and the crumble of the statue.

"Oh, Oh, Gravity Falls! It is good to be back!" Bill exclaimed cheerfully floating around.

At first Dipper mentally debated with himself if this was a good idea, but pushed it to the side. He did this already, not last second thoughts. "Bill."

"Hey PineTree! Didn't think you would ever want me back. Did ya miss me? Admit it you missed me?!" Bill asked gleefully not really mad for that fact that Dipper was one of the reasons he got locked away.

Dipper laughed a bit giving the demon a small nod that Bill didn't notice. "Anyways Bill, I think this belongs to you." He picked up the book again and gave it to Bill.

The dream demon took the book and looked it over. Even opening it up and skimming over the words. "Kid to be honest with you, I have never seen this book in my life time."

"Does Blair Lux ring a bell to you? She was the one who wrote the book and gave it to William Rehpic." Dipper tried to get the demon to remember. 'Why doesn't Bill remember?' He thought.

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