Finding The Star

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+Gravity Falls: Dipper and Dominic+

Dipper's eyes fluttered open as his vision slowly fixed itself. "Oh... everything hurts..." He groaned while sitting up from the floor.

"You're too nice Dipper, look where it got us, we're back in this dark place." Dipper looked to his side to find Dominic's spirit sitting against the wall. The spirit sighed as he looked up to the ceiling. "We could have made it out of here if you hadn't have chosen to drink that thing.

"And get us into anymore trouble, no thank you. If I didn't take it they would have put us down by force. It's safe to say for now that they think I'm naive about certain things. Plus this kind of gives us time to think of a plan." The brunet got onto his feet and started searching the cell he was held in. "I know for sure Bill would look for us too. Hopefully they'll be here in time to finally back us up when we escape."

Dominic got up too and stood next to Dipper. "William... Which ever of them is in control, I just want to see them. I'm worried those bastards might of hurt him too much."

"I'll gladly go back to them to show you Dominic. For now let's focus on making a plan to get out of here." They both nodded and started talking while Dipper continued searching out his room.

'Please come for us soon Bill/William...'

+Gravity Falls: With William and the Gang+

"They're right under us?!" Mabel exclaimed looking at the forest floor beneath her feet.

William nodded as he bend down to sit on the ground. "Now if you could all be cooperative and stand in a circle around me, I'll teleport us into their underground hideout. I'd like to do this fast to get to Dominic-PineTree so be quick if you will." Everyone did so quickly making sure they were near the demon enough to reach his magic. The blond mumbled words, that Ford could not understand, a magic circle surrounded them with the pentagram at the bottom. In a flash the next thing they new was they were standing in a darken hallway lit with torches. "We're in."

They hear some footsteps coming in their direction and they quickly hide themselves. The girls hid themselves in a room nearby while half of the boys went into a really dark cell, the other half held William who used his powers to cloak themselves with invisibility.

"I try to be nice when we first meet, but he simply tries to brush me off." A male with red hair walks through the hall closing to the gang in hiding. "I may have to try a different approach, Mason is after all the descendent of my ancestor's first love. He is rather cute after all, when I first saw that photo of him he was just alluring~" He says in a rather fond tone.

William, with Gideon and Robbie, was silently cursing at the teen to no end. The two holding onto him could clearly read the not so happy atmosphere even though William had a smile on his face. Then it again, it did seem strained and forced.

"I guess I should try to talk to him again later in his cell." The teen passed by all of them without noticing them. His footsteps fading were only heard left when they all came out of hiding.

"Someone remind me later to give that boy nightmares before I switch back with Bill." The humans felt a silver go up their spine knowing the intent behind his words.

They continued walking through the halls of the underground hideout, often hiding when William told them he sensed some people coming their way. They made sure to check the cells even though the blond did tell them he knows the way. His magic was the one leading them all towards the teen after all.

Importance of a PineTree [Billdip]Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя